Our application is a desktop application with a graphical user interface. Its main purpose is to help investors make informed investment decisions using sentiment analysis from social media posts, such as Twitter (X) and Reddit. Additionally, our application performs risk analysis based on the percentage of positive, neutral, and negative posts. The user can maintain a watchlist of up to 5 items and track the price trends of the corresponding assets (cryptocurrencies, stocks, etc.) on their watchlist. Since cryptocurrencies and the stock market change at a rapid pace, our application also provides the user with daily email updates on the items in their watchlist.
The file requiers many personal and sensitive information. For obvious reasons it is not provided and the users have to take these information by their own. In the code is mentioned clearly where the information should be placed. check files below:
- 1.pyhtonia-d31d22a4d0a5.json
- 2.code_for_server/credits.dat
- 3.calc_handler.py
- 4.main.py
- 5.code_for_server/main.py
- 6.code_for_server/scedule.py
- 7.reddit_scraping.py
pip install playwright
run this in cmd -->playwright install
pip install schedule
pip install PyQt6
pip install Re
pip install matplotlib
pip install yfinance
pip install gspread
pip install pandas
pip install oauth2client
pip install datetime
pip install vaderSentiment
pip install praw
pip install pandas
pip install requirements.txt
After you have install the requirements run:
playwright install
- You will need to go to reddit_scraping.py and add your data of your reddit account. ( You will nead to create your own reddit account)
- Go to main.py and add your X account on variables user/mail and pas
- Then run the program normally
- Go edit to calc_handler.py. On the url add 'YOUR_LINK_TO_GOOGLE_SPREADSHEETS'
- Go edit code_for_server/schedule.py and add on the variables username,pas and mail your information.
- Go edit code_for_server/main.py and on url add "YOUR_LINK_TO_GOOGLE_SPREADSHEETS"
- Run on code_for_server/main.py to run the server.
- Go to code_for_server/main.py
- On schedule.every().day.at("18:00").do(job) adjust the time as per your requirement