In this project we're going to build an app which can make people laugh. It's a platform that collect jokes, funny images and funny videos. Also users can post and share their joke on it. We use facebook as the content storage.
- User have to loggin into facebook
- User can view the list of content without login. The content will be separated under three tabs
- There's a favorite list
- User can add jokes into his favorite list
- User can remove jokes from favorite list
- User can post content onto the platform
- User can post a text joke
- User can post a funny image and add the description
- The data will be stored on a open facebook group
- Add cool animation and style on the app
The following additional features are implemented:
- Use GreenDao as ORM library to store user favoriate post.
- Use toolbar - Google release next generation actionbar with material degin follow up.
- Use ElasticDownload as progress bar
- Use Heterogenous RecyclerView for Listing
- Use Card View as list item
- integrate
Facebook SDK
+ self implememt Facebook OAuth Client for API access. - Use Floatbuttom + CoordinatorLayout to ping float buttom between viewpager and toolbar
- YouTube Android Player API to iteract with native youtube player on device.
- GSON to deserialize JSONObject to native java class
GIF created with LiceCap.
- Android Async HTTP - Simple asynchronous HTTP requests with JSON parsing
- Picasso - Image loading and caching library for Android
- Elastic Download - A cool progress bar
- GreenDao - ORM library
- Round Image View - make image round
- Sliding Tab - pager sliding tab
- Gson - a library for parsing json in java
- Facebook SDK - facebook android sdk
- Folder Reside Menu - a folder reside menu
- Floating Action Button - a cool material button
- Supertoasts - customize toast
- RecyclerViewSwipeDismiss - swipe item to trigger action on recycle view
- SmartTabLayout - view pager tab
- FolderResiderMenu - swipe from right edge to squeeze the screen and open the menu
- SpringIndicator - the view pager indicator of guide fragments
- SecretTextView - A TextView in which the characters fade in/out at different speeds.
- For Mac OSX, copy
- Since the app follows facebook development guideline, only the author of HakunaMatata can run the app