A multi-threaded ICMP ping using /bin/ping, ping.exe.
- You can get a quick result.
- It detects ping flapping.
- You don't need root privilege to send a ping.
- It has no dependency as using only python standard library.
Run the folowing to install:
pip install mass-ping
>>> from mass_ping import MassPing
>>> hosts = ['', '', 'yahoo.com', 'ns.speedvpn.net', 'noizze.net']
>>> ping = MassPing(hosts=hosts, thread_count=len(hosts), test_count=2) # test_count=2 means when ping fails retry 1 more time
>>> result = ping.start()
>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> pprint(result)
{'alive': ['', '', 'noizze.net', 'ns.speedvpn.net', 'yahoo.com'],
'dead': [],
'flapping': []}