A specialized HTTP proxy server used to traverse unidirectional network limitations.
Suppose you have two network zones: Zone A and Zone B. Zone A cannot access Zone B, but Zone B can access Zone A.
Firstly, you need to set up servers in both Zone A and Zone B. Deploy the Neck server in zone A, and deploy the Neck client in Zone B.
Once this is done, you will be able to access Zone B from Zone A through the Neck server.
You cannot access Zone B from zone A.
graph LR
subgraph B[Zone B]
subgraph A[Zone A]
You -- Broken --x B
B -- OK --> A
Deploy the Neck server in zone A, and deploy the Neck client in Zone B.
graph TB
subgraph Zone B
Client[Neck Client]
subgraph Zone A
Server[Neck Server]
You --> Server
Client --> Server
Client --> Goal
actor You
participant Server as Server Neck
participant Client as Neck Client
participant Goal
Client ->> Server: Establish TCP,<br/>send a HTTP request to upgrade to "neck" protocol.
activate Client
activate Server
Server -->> Client: Respond with a status code of 101.
Note over Server,Client: This connection will not be closed here.<br/>It will be placed in a connection pool for future use.
You ->> Server: Establish TCP,<br/>send HTTP request via CONNECT method.
activate You
Server ->> Client: Retrieve a connection from the pool,<br/>and pass the request through it.
Client ->> Goal: Establish TCP with the address<br/>provided in a CONNECT request.
activate Goal
Goal -->> Client: Accept
Client -->> Server: Respond with a status code of 200,<br/>indicate the connection has established.
Server -->> You: Pass the response through.
Note over You, Goal: Now, the tunnel has been created. You can communicate directly with Goal.<br/>The middle Neck components just pass all data through.
deactivate You
deactivate Server
deactivate Client
deactivate Goal
Neck uses HTTP, so it is not secure. However, you can deploy the Neck Server behind a TLS load balancer to enhance its security.
graph TB
subgraph Zone B
Client[Neck Client]
subgraph Zone A
subgraph LB[TLS LB]
Server[Neck Server]
style LB fill:#0f02
You --Over TLS--> LB
Client --Over TLS--> LB
Client --> Goal
Start a Neck HTTP proxy server
Usage: neck serve [OPTIONS] [ADDR]
[ADDR] Binding the listening address defaults ""
--max-workers <MAX_WORKERS> The maximum allowed number of workers defaults 200
--direct Proxy directly from the server without creating a worker pool
-h, --help Print help
Create some worker connections and join the pool of the server
Usage: neck join [OPTIONS] <URL>
<URL> Proxy server URL
-c, --connections <CONNECTIONS> The number of maximum provided connections defaults 200
-w, --workers <WORKERS> The number of concurrent workers defaults 8
--tls-domain <TLS_DOMAIN> Specify the domain for TLS, using the hostname of addr by default
-h, --help Print help
Across the Great Wall we can reach every corner in the world.