Every website mentioned as follwoing is the sole intellectual property of the respective application(s)/website(s) owner. These URL's should be used for educational purpose only after taking the permission of the application(s)/website(s) owner. We are not liable for any sort of damages arising while the use of the application(s)/website(s).
- https://techiedelight.com/compiler/
- Note - Select Java Compiler from drop down
- https://glot.io/
- https://demoqa.com/
- http://the-internet.herokuapp.com/
- https://jqueryui.com/
- https://letcode.in/test/
- http://seleniumpractice.blogspot.com/
- http://omayo.blogspot.com/
- https://books-pwakit.appspot.com/
- Note - For Shadow DOM Element
- http://w2ui.com/web/demos
- Note - For WebTable Handling Scenario
- https://cgi-lib.berkeley.edu/ex/fup.html
- Note - For WebTable Handling Scenario
- https://www.seleniumeasy.com/test/basic-first-form-demo.html
- http://demo.guru99.com/test/
- https://applitools.com/helloworld2/
- Note - For Dynamic WebElement
- Credentials - [Username - username / Password - password]
- Credentials - [Username - john / Password - demo]
- Credentials - [Username - admin / Password - admin]
- https://classic.crmpro.com/index.html
- Credentials - Create a new account your own by sign up
- https://orangehrm-demo-6x.orangehrmlive.com/auth/login
- Credentials - [Username - admin / Password - admin123]
- https://www.cheapair.com/
- Credentials - Create a new account your own by sign up
- https://phptravels.com/demo/
- https://www.booking.com/
- https://demo.openmrs.org/openmrs/login.htm
- Credentials - [Username - admin / Password - Admin123]