This is a gas sensor measurement app in python language.
The required package is included in requirements.txt, install packages using pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Run app by command python3
The project is structured as follow:
| +--adc.json
| +--fs.json
| +--measurement.json
| +--notification.json
| +--routine_registration.json
| +--ADS1256
| +--AiO
| +--ControlByWeb
config: Files related to configurations. Configurations are read by widget when app starts up.
driver: Drivers to interact app with measuring devices, such as adc and network relay. Arduino board uses AiO as driver, which defines a customized protocal to send command.
runtime: Defines how the coming data is interpreted during runtime. The data source is defined here, which instantiates the driver and preprocess the data before send to plot.
ui: UI files
widget: Functional widgets. Main entrypoint A set of functions to be triggered during measurement. Functions defined here can be registered through config/routine_registration.json.
- check the port where Arduino is connected to, change the port in runtime/ The data sent by Arduino is configured simply as string splited by comma.
- run the to see if there is data coming in, data will be plotted as well displayed through terminal.