- Pre-Requirements
- Environment SetUp
- Frameworks comparison
- Tensorflow optimization methods
- Training optimization approaches
- Simple servers
- Testing
- Profiling
- Routines automation
- Converting weights to the tensorflow
- Conclusion
- Docker. You may get it here
- Update docker memory limit if necessary
- Git, Python>=3.5
Clone the workshop repository
git clone [email protected]:ikhlestov/deployml.git && cd deployml
Create virtualenv
python3.6 -m venv .venv && source .venv/bin/activate
Install corresponding requirements
pip install -r requirements/dev_mac.txt
pip install -r requirements/dev_ubuntu_cpu.txt
Note: requirements are based on python3.6. If you have another python version you should change link to the pytorch wheel at the requirements file which you may get here
Additionally download tensorflow source code nearby:
git clone https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow.git -b v1.6.0
pull small docker container:
docker pull ikhlestov/deployml_dev_small
pull large docker container(in case of really good Internet connection):
docker pull ikhlestov/deployml_dev
Build your own docker container:
- Clone the workshop repository
git clone [email protected]:ikhlestov/deployml.git && cd deployml
- Check dockers containers defined at the dockers folder
- Run build commands:
docker build -f dockers/Dev . -t ikhlestov/deployml_dev
(for the workshop you should build only this image)docker build -f dockers/Dev_small . -t ikhlestov/deployml_dev_small
docker build -f dockers/Prod . -t ikhlestov/deployml_prod
- Compare their sizes
docker images | grep "deployml_dev\|deployml_dev_small\|deployml_prod"
- Don't forget about .dockerignore file.
- Try to organize your docker files to use cache.
- Optimize your docker containers
- Try to release with some smaller distributions.
- You may use multistage builds
Check defined models in the models folder
Run docker container with mounted directory:
docker run -v $(pwd):/deployml -p 6060:6060 -p 8080:8080 -it ikhlestov/deployml_dev /bin/bash
Run time measurements inside docker:
python benchmarks/compare_frameworks.py
Save our tensorflow model.
python optimizers/save_tensorflow_model.py
1.1 Import saved model to tensorboard
python misc/import_pb_to_tensorboard.py --model_dir saves/tensorflow/usual_model.pbtxt --log_dir saves/tensorboard/usual_model --graph_type PbTxt
1.2 Run tensorboard in the background
tensorboard --logdir saves/tensorboard --port 6060 --host= &
Build frozen graph. More about it you may read here
python optimizers/get_frozen_graph.py
python misc/import_pb_to_tensorboard.py --model_dir saves/tensorflow/constant_graph.pb --log_dir saves/tensorboard/constant_graph
Build optimized frozen graph
python optimizers/get_optimized_frozen_graph.py
python misc/import_pb_to_tensorboard.py --model_dir saves/tensorflow/optimized_graph.pb --log_dir saves/tensorboard/optimized_graph
Get quantized graph:
3.1 With plain python (link to script)
python /tensorflow/tensorflow/tools/quantization/quantize_graph.py \ --input=saves/tensorflow/optimized_graph.pb \ --output=saves/tensorflow/quantized_graph_python.pb \ --output_node_names="output" \ --mode=weights
3.2. With bazel (tensorflow tutorial)
../tensorflow/bazel-bin/tensorflow/tools/graph_transforms/transform_graph \ --in_graph=`pwd`/saves/tensorflow/optimized_graph.pb \ --out_graph=`pwd`/saves/tensorflow/quantized_graph_bazel.pb \ --inputs="input:0" \ --outputs="output:0" \ --transforms='quantize_weights'
3.3 Note: tf.contrib.quantize provide only simulated quantization.
3.4 Import quantized models to the tensorboard
python misc/import_pb_to_tensorboard.py \ --model_dir saves/tensorflow/quantized_graph_bazel.pb \ --log_dir saves/tensorboard/quantized_graph_bazel python misc/import_pb_to_tensorboard.py \ --model_dir saves/tensorflow/quantized_graph_python.pb \ --log_dir saves/tensorboard/quantized_graph_python
Compare resulted graphs
5.1 sizes
ls -l saves/tensorflow/
5.2 architecture at the tensorboard
5.3 Compare resulted graphs performance
python benchmarks/compare_tf_optimizations.py
Try various restrictions
6.1 CPU restriction
docker run -v $(pwd):/deployml -it --cpus="1.0" ikhlestov/deployml_dev /bin/bash
6.2 Memory restriction
docker run -v $(pwd):/deployml -it --memory=1g ikhlestov/deployml_dev /bin/bash
6.3 Use GPUs
docker run --runtime=nvidia -v $(pwd):/deployml -it ikhlestov/deployml_dev /bin/bash
6.3 Try to run two models on two different CPUs 6.4 Try to run two models on two CPU simultaneously
You may also take a look at other methods (list of resources) like:
One-to-one server(servers/simple_server.py)
Scaling with multiprocessing(servers/processes_server.py)
You may start servers (not simultaneously) as:
python servers/simple_server.py
python servers/processes_server.py
and test them with:
python servers/tester.py
Queues based(Kafka, RabbitMQ, etc)
Serving with tf-serving
Q: Where data preprocessing should be done? CPU or GPU or even another host?
enter to the preprocessing directory
cd preprocessing
run various resizers benchmarks
python benchmark.py
- Note: opencv may be installed from PyPi for python3
check unified resizer at the
try to run tests for it
pytest test_preproc.py
(and they will fail) -
fix resizer
run tests again
pytest test_preproc.py
What else should be tested(really - as much as possible):
- General network inference
- Model loading/saving
- New models deploy
- Any preprocessing
- Corrupted inputs - Nan, Inf, zeros
- Deterministic output
- Input ranges/distributions
- Output ranges/distributions
- Test that model will fail in known cases
- ...
- Just check this video :)
You my run tests:
- At the various docker containers
- Under the tox
- nvidia-smi
- gpustat
- psutil
- nvidia profiler
Lifetime benchmark - airspeed velocity
Continuous integration:
- Jenkins
- Travis
- TeamCity
- CircleCI
- Kubernetes
- Mesos
- Docker swarm
Configuration management:
- Terraform
- Ansible
- Chef
- Puppet
- SaltStack
Converting from keras to tensorflow:
- Get keras saved model
python converters/save_keras_model.py
- Convert keras model to the tensorflow save format
python converters/convert_keras_to_tf.py
- Get keras saved model
Converting from PyTorch to tensorflow:
- Trough keras - converter
- Manually
In any case you should know about:
I'm grateful for the cool ideas to Alexandr Onbysh, Aleksandr Obednikov, Kyryl Truskovskyi and to the Ring Urkaine in overall.
Take a look at the checklist.
Thank you for reading!