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images/bbGt.m: bbLoadAll() replaces dtLoadMul() and bbLoadMul(), eval…
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…Res() replaces evalResMul()
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pdollar committed Apr 13, 2012
1 parent d03c631 commit 06c4b1f
Showing 1 changed file with 60 additions and 89 deletions.
149 changes: 60 additions & 89 deletions images/bbGt.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
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% hs = draw( objs, pDraw )
%%% (2) Routines for evaluating the Pascal criteria for object detection.
% Evaluates detections in a single image against ground truth data.
% Evaluates detections against ground truth data.
% [gt,dt] = bbGt( 'evalRes', gt0, dt0, [thr], [mul] )
% Display evaluation results for given image.
% [hs,hImg] = bbGt( 'showRes' I, gt, dt, varargin )
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%%% (3) Routines for evaluating the Pascal criteria over multiple images.
% Get all corresponding files in given directories.
% [fs,fs0] = bbGt('getFiles', dirs, [f0], [f1] )
% Load detection outputs from text files.
% dts = bbGt( 'dtLoadMul', fNames, n )
% Load bb annotations from text files and filter.
% [objs,bbs] = bbGt( 'bbLoadMul', fNames, pLoad )
% Run evaluation evalRes for each ground truth/detection result in dirs.
% [gt,dt] = bbGt( 'evalResMul', gtDir, dtDir, varargin )
% Load all ground truth and detection bbs in given directories.
% [gt0,dt0] = bbGt( 'bbLoadAll', gtDir, [dtDir], [pLoad] )
% Compute ROC or PR based on outputs of evalRes on multiple images.
% [xs,ys,ref] = bbGt( 'compRoc', gt, dt, roc, ref )
% Extract true or false positives or negatives for visualization.
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% See also bbApply, bbLabeler, bbGt>create, bbGt>bbSave, bbGt>bbLoad,
% bbGt>get, bbGt>set, bbGt>draw, bbGt>evalRes, bbGt>showRes, bbGt>compOas,
% bbGt>compOa, bbGt>getFiles, bbGt>dtLoadMul, bbGt>bbLoadMul,
% bbGt>evalResMul, bbGt>compRoc, bbGt>cropRes, bbGt>sampleWins,
% bbGt>sampleWinsDir
% bbGt>compOa, bbGt>getFiles, bbGt>bbLoadAll, bbGt>compRoc, bbGt>cropRes,
% bbGt>sampleWins, bbGt>sampleWinsDir
% Piotr's Image&Video Toolbox Version NEW
% Copyright 2012 Piotr Dollar. []
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function [gt,dt] = evalRes( gt0, dt0, thr, mul )
% Evaluates detections in a single image against ground truth data.
% Evaluates detections against ground truth data.
% Uses modified Pascal criteria that allows for "ignore" regions. The
% Pascal criteria states that a ground truth bounding box (gtBb) and a
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% Each match between a dtBb and gtBb is a true-positive, except matches
% between dtBb and ignore-gtBb which do not affect the evaluation criteria.
% In addition to taking gt/dt results on a single image, evalRes() can take
% cell arrays of gt/dt bbs, in which case evaluation proceeds on each
% element. Use bbGt>bbLoadAll() to load gt/dt for multiple images.
% Each gt/dt output row has a flag match that is either -1/0/1:
% for gt: -1=ignore, 0=fn [unmatched], 1=tp [matched]
% for dt: -1=ignore, 0=fp [unmatched], 1=tp [matched]
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% See also bbGt, bbGt>compOas
% See also bbGt, bbGt>compOas, bbGt>bbLoadAll

% check inputs
% get parameters
if(nargin<3 || isempty(thr)), thr=.5; end
if(nargin<4 || isempty(mul)), mul=0; end

% if gt0 and dt0 are cell arrays run on each element in turn
if( iscell(gt0) && iscell(dt0) ), n=length(gt0);
assert(length(dt0)==n); gt=cell(1,n); dt=gt;
for i=1:n, [gt{i},dt{i}] = evalRes(gt0{i},dt0{i},thr,mul); end; return;

% check inputs
if(isempty(gt0)), gt0=zeros(0,5); end
if(isempty(dt0)), dt0=zeros(0,5); end
assert( size(dt0,2)==5 ); nd=size(dt0,1);
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function dts = dtLoadMul( fNames, n )
% Load detection outputs from text files.
function [gt0,dt0] = bbLoadAll( gtDir, dtDir, pLoad )
% Load all ground truth and detection bbs in given directories.
% Loads each ground truth (gt) annotation in gtDir and the corresponding
% detection (dt) in dtDir. gt and dt files must correspond according to
% getFiles(). Alternatively, dtDir may be a filename of a single text file
% that contains the detection results across all images.
% Each detection should be a text file where each row contains 5 numbers
% representing a bounding box (left/top/width/height/score). If fNames is
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% the text file should have an extra leading column specifying the image
% id: (imgId/left/top/width/height/score).
% The output of this function can be used in bbGt>evalRes().
% dets = bbGt( 'dtLoadMul', fNames, n )
% [gt0,dt0] = bbGt( 'bbLoadAll', gtDir, [dtDir], [pLoad] )
% fNames - {1xn} cell array of text files or single text file
% n - number of dts to load (necessary if fNames is a single file)
% gtDir - location of ground truth
% dtDir - [] optional location of detections
% pLoad - {} params for bbGt>bbLoad() (determine format/filtering)
% dts - {1xn} loaded detections (each is a mx5 array of bbs)
% gt0 - {1xn} loaded ground truth bbs (each is a mx5 array of bbs)
% dt0 - {1xn} loaded detections (each is a mx5 array of bbs)
% See also bbGt, bbGt>bbLoadMul
if( iscell(fNames) )
assert(length(fNames)==n); dts=cell(1,n);
for i=1:n, dt=load(fNames{i},'-ascii');
if(numel(dt)==0), dt=zeros(0,5); end; dts{i}=dt(:,1:5); end
dt=load(fNames,'-ascii'); if(numel(dt)==0), dt=zeros(0,6); end
ids=dt(:,1); assert(max(ids)<=n);
dts=cell(1,n); for i=1:n, dts{i}=dt(ids==i,2:6); end
% See also bbGt, bbGt>getFiles, bbGt>evalRes

% get list of files
if(nargin<2), dtDir=[]; end
if(nargin<3), pLoad={}; end
if(isempty(dtDir)), fs=getFiles({gtDir}); gtFs=fs(1,:); else
dtFile=length(dtDir)>4 && strcmp(dtDir(end-3:end),'.txt');
if(dtFile), dirs={gtDir}; else dirs={gtDir,gtDir}; end
fs=getFiles(dirs); gtFs=fs(1,:);
if(dtFile), dtFs=dtDir; else dtFs=fs(2,:); end

function [objs,bbs] = bbLoadMul( fNames, pLoad )
% Load bb annotations from text files and filter.
% [objs,bbs] = bbGt( 'bbLoadMul', fNames, pLoad )
% fNames - {1xn} cell array of text files
% pLoad - {} params for bbGt>bbLoad() (determine format/filtering)
% objs - {1xn} loaded ground truth objs
% bbs - {1xn} loaded ground truth bbs
% See also bbGt, bbGt>bbLoad, bbGt>dtLoadMul
persistent keyPrv objsPrv bbsPrv;
key={fNames,pLoad}; n=length(fNames);
if(isequal(key,keyPrv)), objs=objsPrv; bbs=bbsPrv; else
bbs=cell(1,n); objs=bbs;
for i=1:n, [objs{i},bbs{i}]=bbLoad(fNames{i},pLoad); end
objsPrv=objs; bbsPrv=bbs; keyPrv=key;
% load ground truth
persistent keyPrv gtPrv; key={gtDir,pLoad}; n=length(gtFs);
if(isequal(key,keyPrv)), gt0=gtPrv; else gt0=cell(1,n);
for i=1:n, [~,gt0{i}]=bbLoad(gtFs{i},pLoad); end
gtPrv=gt0; keyPrv=key;

% load detections
if(isempty(dtDir) || nargout<=1), dt0=cell(0); return; end
if(iscell(dtFs)), dt0=cell(1,n);
for i=1:n, dt1=load(dtFs{i},'-ascii');
if(numel(dt1)==0), dt1=zeros(0,5); end; dt0{i}=dt1(:,1:5); end
dt1=load(dtFs,'-ascii'); if(numel(dt1)==0), dt1=zeros(0,6); end
ids=dt1(:,1); assert(max(ids)<=n);
dt0=cell(1,n); for i=1:n, dt0{i}=dt1(ids==i,2:6); end

function [gt,dt] = evalResMul( gtDir, dtDir, varargin )
% Run evaluation evalRes for each ground truth/detection result in dirs.
% Loads each ground truth (gt) annotation in gtDir and the corresponding
% detection (dt) in dtDir, and calls evalRes() on the pair. Ground truth
% and detection files must correspond according to getFiles(). See
% dtLoadMul() for format for the detections. dtDir can alternatively point
% to a single text file that contains the detection results across all
% images (if dtDir points to a text file f1 must be 1).
% [gt,dt] = bbGt( 'evalResMul', gtDir, dtDir, varargin )
% gtDir - location of ground truth
% dtDir - location of detections (or file containing all dts)
% varargin - additional parameters (struct or name/value pairs)
% .thr - [.5] threshold for evalRes()
% .mul - [0] multiple match flag for evalRes()
% .pLoad - {} params for bbGt>bbLoad() (determine format/filtering)
% gt - {1xn} first output of evalRes() for each image
% dt - {1xn} second output of evalRes() for each image
% See also bbGt, bbGt>evalRes, bbGt>getFiles, bbGt>dtLoadMul,
% bbGt>bbLoadMul
dtFile=length(dtDir)>4 && strcmp(dtDir(end-3:end),'.txt');
if(dtFile), dirs={gtDir}; else dirs={gtDir,gtDir}; end
fs=getFiles(dirs); gtFs=fs(1,:); n=length(gtFs);
if(dtFile), dtFs=dtDir; else dtFs=fs(2,:); end
[~,gt] = bbLoadMul(gtFs,pLoad); dt=dtLoadMul(dtFs,n);
for i=1:n, [gt{i},dt{i}] = evalRes(gt{i},dt{i},thr,mul); end

function [xs,ys,score,ref] = compRoc( gt, dt, roc, ref )
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