Materials for MIT workshop "Practical Computing Tutorials for Earth Scientists"
ChatGPT Chemistry Assistant
This repository houses the Hugo-based site for the CURE Consortium project, which is a collaboration between teams at Yale University, The University of North Carolina, and Cornell University.
This repository includes pKa data digitized and curated from reference books published by IUPAC.
Python-based API-Wrapper to access Scopus
Documentation for the Carpentries at Smithsonian
Python wrapper for the IBM RXN for Chemistry API
The goal of the UDM project is to create and publish an open, extendable and freely available data format for exchange of experimental information about compound synthesis and their testing.
Create stunning charts for your databases
Schema for the Open Reaction Database
Open peer review of lessons from The Carpentries community.
Open an issue in this repository to share Carpentries-style lessons and lesson ideas.
A Carpentry style lesson on machine learning with Python and scikit-learn.
ReproZip is a tool that simplifies the process of creating reproducible experiments from command-line executions, a frequently-used common denominator in computational science.