XLM, this project mainly focused on unsupervised machine translation for ecommerce product titles from zh to en
Notice: Read original readme for installation first.
Training step is
- training LM on monolingual/ multiple monolingual/ parallel monolingual corpus
- preparing training data in the format of one sentence one line. Avoid too long sentences or please setting
when you run train.py. - applying BPE (Byte Pair Encoding).
- binarizing BPE sentences.
- training your own bert model.
- fintuning a specific case like UMT baed on pretrained LM
- training UMT model using pretrined XLM or your own LM
- translating
In what follows we explain how you can train your own cross-lingual BERT model on multiple monolingual corpus or use pretrained XLM weights. In ORIGINAL_README, it shows how to train monolingual BERT model.
Now in what follows, we will explain how you can train an XLM model on your own data.
First, get the multiple monolingual corpus.
Transform from csv to one sentence one line format.
import pandas as pd
import re
import regex
re.Pattern = regex.compile(r'\p{So}')
raw_data_dir = '/raid/yihui/titles/'
files = ['dev_en.csv','dev_tcn.csv','test_tcn.csv','train_en.csv','train_tcn.csv']
for filename in files:
file_type, lng = filename[:-4].split('_')
df = pd.read_csv(raw_data_dir+filename)
if lng =='tcn':
lng = 'zh'
fd = open(raw_data_dir+'%s.%s'%(file_type,lng),'w')
if 'translation_output' in df.columns:
print( '\n'.join([re.Pattern.sub(' ',str(line).lower()) for line in df['translation_output'].tolist()]), file=fd)
elif 'text' in df.columns:
print( '\n'.join([re.Pattern.sub(' ',str(line).lower()) for line in df['text'].tolist()]), file=fd)
print( '\n'.join([re.Pattern.sub(' ',str(line).lower()) for line in df['product_title'].tolist()]), file=fd)
- Tokenize sentences and save tokenized data in one sentence one line format.
cat $RAW_DATA_PATH/dev.$lg | ./tools/tokenize.sh $lg > $RAW_DATA_PATH/tokenized_valid.$lg &
cat $RAW_DATA_PATH/train.$lg | ./tools/tokenize.sh $lg > $RAW_DATA_PATH/tokenized_train.$lg &
cat $RAW_DATA_PATH/dev.$lg | ./tools/tokenize.sh $lg > $RAW_DATA_PATH/tokenized_valid.$lg &
cat $RAW_DATA_PATH/test.$lg | ./tools/tokenize.sh $lg > $RAW_DATA_PATH/tokenized_test.$lg &
cat $RAW_DATA_PATH/train.$lg | ./tools/tokenize.sh $lg > $RAW_DATA_PATH/tokenized_train.$lg &
However, for mainly traditional training data, I choose to tokenzie sentences using ckiptagger instead of StandfordTagger or Jieba.
Therefore, here's the change in XLM/tools/tokenize.sh
# Chinese
if [ "$lg" = "zh" ]; then
#$TOOLS_PATH/stanford-segmenter-*/segment.sh pku /dev/stdin UTF-8 0 | $REPLACE_UNICODE_PUNCT | $NORM_PUNC -l $lg | $REM_NON_PRINT_CHAR
cat - | python /home/yihui/ckiptagger/ckip_tokenize.py | $REPLACE_UNICODE_PUNCT | $NORM_PUNC -l $lg | $REM_NON_PRINT_CHAR
The following is the code of ckip_tokenize.py. /raid/yihui/chinese/ckiptagger/data
is the path of ckiptagger dictionary.
import os
import sys
import re
from ckiptagger import construct_dictionary, WS
def main():
# Load model without GPU by setting disable_cuda=False
ws = WS("/raid/yihui/chinese/ckiptagger/data",disable_cuda=False)
for sentence in sys.stdin.readlines():
sent_splits = []
sentence = sentence.strip()
# split by space in the original sentence first
# Usage: wc(list_object)
res = ws(re.findall(r'\S+', sentence))
tokens = []
for r in res:
print(' '.join([t.strip() for t in tokens if t.strip()]))
# Release model
del ws
if __name__ == "__main__":
- Install fastBPE under the directory of XLM and learn BPE vocabulary (with 350000 codes here) of multiple monolingual sentences from training set: You can decide codes number on your own but larger codes longer producing time.
# create output path
mkdir -p $OUTPATH
FASTBPE=tools/fastBPE/fast # path to the fastBPE tool
# learn 350000 bpe codes on the training set and output bpe codes to $OUTPATH/codes_zhen -> you can define your own code filename
$FASTBPE learnbpe 350000 $RAW_DATA_PATH/tokenized_train.zh $RAW_DATA_PATH/tokenized_train.en > $OUTPATH/codes_zhen
- Now apply BPE encoding to all files (train/valid/test):
for lg in $(echo $pair | sed -e 's/\-/ /g'); do
for split in train valid test; do
if [ -f "$FILE" ]; then
# $FASTBPE applybpe [output] [input] [codes]
$FASTBPE applybpe $OUTPATH/$split.$lg $RAW_DATA_PATH/tokenized_$split.$lg $OUTPATH/$CODE &
echo "$FILE does not exist."
# equals to the following
$FASTBPE applybpe $OUTPATH/train.zh $RAW_DATA_PATH/tokenized_train.zh $OUTPATH/codes_zhen &
$FASTBPE applybpe $OUTPATH/test.zh $RAW_DATA_PATH/tokenized_test.zh $OUTPATH/codes_zhen &
$FASTBPE applybpe $OUTPATH/valid.zh $RAW_DATA_PATH/tokenized_valid.zh $OUTPATH/codes_zhen &
$FASTBPE applybpe $OUTPATH/train.en $RAW_DATA_PATH/tokenized_train.en $OUTPATH/codes_zhen &
$FASTBPE applybpe $OUTPATH/valid.en $RAW_DATA_PATH/tokenized_valid.en $OUTPATH/codes_zhen &
optional ... this step is to produce test,valid file for training
mv $OUTPATH/test.zh $OUTPATH/pred_test.zh
# total number of test sentences in valid.{zh,en} is 1k respectively
tail -n 5 $OUTPATH/valid.zh > $OUTPATH/test.zh
tail -n 5 $OUTPATH/valid.en > $OUTPATH/test.en
head -n 995 $OUTPATH/valid.zh > $OUTPATH/valid1.zh
mv $OUTPATH/valid1.zh $OUTPATH/valid.zh
head -n 995 $OUTPATH/valid.en > $OUTPATH/valid1en
mv $OUTPATH/valid1.en $OUTPATH/valid.en
- and get the post-BPE vocabulary:
cat $OUTPATH/train.zh $OUTPATH/train.en | $FASTBPE getvocab - > $OUTPATH/$VOCAB &
- Binarize the data to limit the size of the data we load in memory: input xxx output xxx.path
# This will create three files: $OUTPATH/{train,valid,test}.{zh,en}.pth
# After that we're all set
for lg in $(echo $pair | sed -e 's/\-/ /g'); do
for split in train valid test; do
if [ -f "$FILE" ]; then
python preprocess.py $OUTPATH/$VOCAB $OUTPATH/$split.$lg &
echo "$FILE does not exist."
# equals to the following
python preprocess.py $OUTPATH/$VOCAB $OUTPATH/train.zh &
python preprocess.py $OUTPATH/$VOCAB $OUTPATH/valid.zh &
python preprocess.py $OUTPATH/$VOCAB $OUTPATH/test.zh &
python preprocess.py $OUTPATH/$VOCAB $OUTPATH/train.en &
python preprocess.py $OUTPATH/$VOCAB $OUTPATH/valid.en &
python preprocess.py $OUTPATH/$VOCAB $OUTPATH/test.en &
- (optional) make sure you have 10 files with exactly same names in $OUTPATH
Monolingual training data:
zh: train.zh.pth
en: train.en.pth
Monolingual validation data:
zh: valid.zh.pth
en: valid.en.pth
Monolingual test data:
zh: test.zh.pth
en: test.en.pth
Parallel validation data:
zh: valid.zh-en.zh.pth
en: valid.zh-en.en.pth
Parallel test data:
zh: test.zh-en.zh.pth
en: test.zh-en.en.pth
Here, I personally choose to set Monolingual test,validation data same as Parallel one but "Monolingual test,validation data" are indeed parallel corpus.
cp $OUTPATH/valid.zh.pth $OUTPATH/valid.en-zh.zh.pth
cp $OUTPATH/valid.en.pth $OUTPATH/valid.en-zh.en.pth
cp $OUTPATH/test.en.pth $OUTPATH/test.en-zh.en.pth
cp $OUTPATH/test.zh.pth $OUTPATH/test.en-zh.zh.pth
- Train your XLM (MLM only) on the preprocessed data and please check the number of tokens in a training senece is smaller than default or you can set
--bptt 256
to meet your need:
python train.py
## main parameters
--exp_name test_zhen_mlm # experiment name
--dump_path /raid/yihui/titles/mlm # where to store the experiment
## data location / training objective
--data_path /raid/yihui/titles/XLM_zhen/ # data location
--lgs 'zh-en' # considered languages
--clm_steps '' # CLM objective (for training GPT-2 models)
--mlm_steps 'zh,en' # MLM objective
## transformer parameters
--emb_dim 1024 # embeddings / model dimension (2048 is big, reduce if only 16Gb of GPU memory)
--n_layers 6 # number of layers
--n_heads 8 # number of heads
--dropout 0.1 # dropout
--attention_dropout 0.1 # attention dropout
--gelu_activation true # GELU instead of ReLU
## optimization
--batch_size 32 # sequences per batch
--bptt 256 # sequences length (streams of 256 tokens)
--optimizer adam,lr=0.0001 # optimizer (training is quite sensitive to this parameter)
--epoch_size 200000 # number of sentences per epoch
--max_epoch 100000 # max number of epochs (~infinite here)
--validation_metrics _valid_mlm_ppl # validation metric (when to save the best model)
--stopping_criterion _valid_mlm_ppl,15 # stopping criterion (if criterion does not improve 15 times)
## There are other parameters that are not specified here (see [here](https://github.com/facebookresearch/XLM/blob/master/train.py#L24-L198)).
To train with multiple GPUs use:
export NGPU=8; python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=$NGPU train.py
Tips: Even when the validation perplexity plateaus, keep training your model. The larger the batch size the better (so using multiple GPUs will improve performance). Tuning the learning rate (e.g. [0.0001, 0.0002]) should help. Tips: Avoid setting epoch_size too small!!! It means how many samples will be learned in an epoch.
Facebook Research provide large pretrained models for the 15 languages of XNLI, and two other models in 17 and 100 languages.
Languages | Pretraining | Tokenization | Model | BPE codes | Vocabulary |
15 | MLM | tokenize + lowercase + no accent + BPE | Model | BPE codes (80k) | Vocabulary (95k) |
15 | MLM + TLM | tokenize + lowercase + no accent + BPE | Model | BPE codes (80k) | Vocabulary (95k) |
17 | MLM | tokenize + BPE | Model | BPE codes (175k) | Vocabulary (200k) |
100 | MLM | tokenize + BPE | Model | BPE codes (175k) | Vocabulary (200k) |
If you want to play around with the model and its representations, just download the model and take a look at our ipython notebook demo.
The XLM-17 model includes these languages: en-fr-es-de-it-pt-nl-sv-pl-ru-ar-tr-zh-ja-ko-hi-vi
The XLM-100 model includes these languages: en-es-fr-de-zh-ru-pt-it-ar-ja-id-tr-nl-pl-simple-fa-vi-sv-ko-he-ro-no-hi-uk-cs-fi-hu-th-da-ca-el-bg-sr-ms-bn-hr-sl-zh_yue-az-sk-eo-ta-sh-lt-et-ml-la-bs-sq-arz-af-ka-mr-eu-tl-ang-gl-nn-ur-kk-be-hy-te-lv-mk-zh_classical-als-is-wuu-my-sco-mn-ceb-ast-cy-kn-br-an-gu-bar-uz-lb-ne-si-war-jv-ga-zh_min_nan-oc-ku-sw-nds-ckb-ia-yi-fy-scn-gan-tt-am
Tokenize sentences and save tokenized data in one sentence one line format. precessing same as Train your Cross-lingual language model (XLM)
Download pretrained model weights, BPE codes and vocab: Here I download mlm_17 as example.
# download model weights
wget -c https://dl.fbaipublicfiles.com/XLM/mlm_17_1280.pth
# download BPE codes
wget -c https://dl.fbaipublicfiles.com/XLM/codes_xnli_17
# download model weights
wget -c https://dl.fbaipublicfiles.com/XLM/vocab_xnli_17
- Now apply BPE encoding to all files (train/valid/test):
cd ~/XLM #go to XLM directory
for lg in $(echo $pair | sed -e 's/\-/ /g'); do
for split in train valid test; do
if [ -f "$FILE" ]; then
$FASTBPE applybpe $OUTPATH/$split.$lg $RAW_DATA_PATH/tokenized_$split.$lg $OUTPATH/$CODE &
echo "$FILE does not exist."
# equals to the following
$FASTBPE applybpe $OUTPATH/train.zh $RAW_DATA_PATH/tokenized_train.zh $OUTPATH/codes_xnli_17 &
$FASTBPE applybpe $OUTPATH/test.zh $RAW_DATA_PATH/tokenized_test.zh $OUTPATH/codes_xnli_17 &
$FASTBPE applybpe $OUTPATH/valid.zh $RAW_DATA_PATH/tokenized_valid.zh $OUTPATH/codes_xnli_17 &
$FASTBPE applybpe $OUTPATH/train.en $RAW_DATA_PATH/tokenized_train.en $OUTPATH/codes_xnli_17 &
$FASTBPE applybpe $OUTPATH/valid.en $RAW_DATA_PATH/tokenized_valid.en $OUTPATH/codes_xnli_17 &
optional ... this step is to produce test,valid file for training
mv $OUTPATH/test.zh $OUTPATH/pred_test.zh
# total number of test sentences in valid.{zh,en} is 1k respectively
tail -n 5 $OUTPATH/valid.zh > $OUTPATH/test.zh
tail -n 5 $OUTPATH/valid.en > $OUTPATH/test.en
head -n 995 $OUTPATH/valid.zh > $OUTPATH/valid1.zh
mv $OUTPATH/valid1.zh $OUTPATH/valid.zh
head -n 995 $OUTPATH/valid.en > $OUTPATH/valid1.en
mv $OUTPATH/valid1.en $OUTPATH/valid.en
- Binarize the data to limit the size of the data we load in memory: input xxx output xxx.path
# This will create three files: $OUTPATH/{train,valid,test}.{zh,en}.pth
# After that we're all set
for lg in $(echo $pair | sed -e 's/\-/ /g'); do
for split in train valid test; do
if [ -f "$FILE" ]; then
python preprocess.py $OUTPATH/$VOCAB $FILE&
echo "$FILE does not exist."
# equals to the following
python preprocess.py $OUTPATH/vocab_xnli_17 $OUTPATH/train.zh &
python preprocess.py $OUTPATH/vocab_xnli_17 $OUTPATH/valid.zh &
python preprocess.py $OUTPATH/vocab_xnli_17 $OUTPATH/test.zh &
python preprocess.py $OUTPATH/vocab_xnli_17 $OUTPATH/train.en &
python preprocess.py $OUTPATH/vocab_xnli_17 $OUTPATH/valid.en &
python preprocess.py $OUTPATH/vocab_xnli_17 $OUTPATH/test.en &
- (optional) make sure you have 10 files with exactly same name in $OUTPATH
Monolingual training data:
zh: train.zh.pth
en: train.en.pth
Monolingual validation data:
zh: valid.zh.pth
en: valid.en.pth
Monolingual test data:
zh: test.zh.pth
en: test.en.pth
Parallel validation data:
zh: valid.zh-en.zh.pth
en: valid.zh-en.en.pth
Parallel test data:
zh: test.zh-en.zh.pth
en: test.zh-en.en.pth
Here, I personally choose to set Monolingual test,validation data same as Parallel one but "Monolingual test,validation data" are indeed parallel corpus.
cp $OUTPATH/valid.zh.pth $OUTPATH/valid.en-zh.zh.pth
cp $OUTPATH/valid.en.pth $OUTPATH/valid.en-zh.en.pth
cp $OUTPATH/test.en.pth $OUTPATH/test.en-zh.en.pth
cp $OUTPATH/test.zh.pth $OUTPATH/test.en-zh.zh.pth
Cross-lingual language model (XLM) provides a strong pretraining method for cross-lingual understanding (XLU) tasks. In what follows, we present applications to machine translation (unsupervised and supervised) and cross-lingual classification (XNLI).
XLMs can be used as a pretraining method for unsupervised or supervised neural machine translation. Here we provide the step to train from zh to en.
Using your pretrained LM weight
personal script
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=7 nohup python train.py --exp_name test_zhen_mlm --dump_path /raid/yihui/titles/mlm --data_path /raid/yihui/titles/XLM_zhen/ --lgs 'zh-en' --clm_steps '' --mlm_steps 'zh,en' --emb_dim 1024 --n_layers 6 --n_heads 8 --dropout 0.1 --attention_dropout 0.1 --gelu_activation true --batch_size 32 --bptt 256 --optimizer adam,lr=0.0001 --epoch_size 200000 --validation_metrics _valid_mlm_ppl --stopping_criterion _valid_mlm_ppl,15 &> mlm.out&
parameter description
python train.py
--exp_name unsupMT_zhen
--dump_path /raid/yihui/titles/xlm
--reload_model '/raid/yihui/titles/mlm/test_zhen_mlm/3myx2ymkhz/best-valid_mlm_ppl.pth,/raid/yihui/titles/mlm/test_zhen_mlm/3myx2ymkhz/best-valid_mlm_ppl.pth'
--data_path $OUTPATH
--lgs 'zh-en'
--ae_steps 'zh,en'
--bt_steps 'zh-en-zh,en-zh-en'
--word_shuffle 3
--word_dropout 0.1
--word_blank 0.1
--lambda_ae '0:1,100000:0.1,300000:0'
--encoder_only false
--emb_dim 1024
--n_layers 6
--n_heads 8
--dropout 0.1
--attention_dropout 0.1
--eval_bleu true
--gelu_activation true
--batch_size 8
--max_epoch 100
--bptt 256
--optimizer adam_inverse_sqrt,lr=0.00010,warmup_updates=30000,beta1=0.9,beta2=0.999,weight_decay=0.01,eps=0.000001
--epoch_size 200000
--stopping_criterion 'valid_zh-en_mt_bleu,2'
--validation_metrics 'valid_zh-en_mt_bleu'
Using downloaded pretrained weight
- --emb_dim should be set the same as pretrained weights' original model
- --max_vocab 200000 can gaurantee the number of unique words can be fed into the current model
- --epoch_size is the number of sentences can be trained in an epoch so don't set it so small that the model couldn't learn well
personal script
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=2 nohup python train.py --exp_name unsupMT_zhen --dump_path /raid/yihui/titles/mlm17 --reload_model '/raid/yihui/titles/mlm17/mlm_17_1280.pth,/raid/yihui/titles/mlm17/mlm_17_1280.pth' --max_vocab 200000 --data_path $OUTPATH --lgs 'zh-en' --ae_steps 'zh,en' --bt_steps 'zh-en-zh,en-zh-en' --word_shuffle 3 --word_dropout 0.1 --word_blank 0.1 --lambda_ae '0:1,100000:0.1,300000:0' --encoder_only false --emb_dim 1280 --n_layers 6 --n_heads 8 --dropout 0.1 --attention_dropout 0.1 --eval_bleu true --gelu_activation true --batch_size 32 --bptt 256 --optimizer adam_inverse_sqrt,lr=0.00010,warmup_updates=30000,beta1=0.9,beta2=0.999,weight_decay=0.01,eps=0.000001 --epoch_size 200000 --stopping_criterion 'valid_zh-en_mt_bleu,10' --validation_metrics 'valid_zh-en_mt_bleu' --beam_size 3 &> beamnewdata.out &
parameter description
python train.py
## main parameters
--exp_name unsupMT_zhen # experiment name
--dump_path /raid/yihui/titles/mlm17 # where to store the experiment
--reload_model '/raid/yihui/titles/mlm17/mlm_17_1280.pth,/raid/yihui/titles/mlm17/mlm_17_1280.pth' # model to reload for encoder,decoder
## data location / training objective
--data_path $OUTPATH # data location
--lgs 'zh-en' # considered languages
--ae_steps 'zh,en' # denoising auto-encoder training steps
--bt_steps 'zh-en-zh,en-zh-en' # back-translation steps
--word_shuffle 3 # noise for auto-encoding loss
--word_dropout 0.1 # noise for auto-encoding loss
--word_blank 0.1 # noise for auto-encoding loss
--lambda_ae '0:1,100000:0.1,300000:0' # scheduling on the auto-encoding coefficient
## transformer parameters
--encoder_only false # use a decoder for MT
--emb_dim 1208 # embeddings / model dimension
--n_layers 6 # number of layers
--n_heads 8 # number of heads
--dropout 0.1 # dropout
--attention_dropout 0.1 # attention dropout
--gelu_activation true # GELU instead of ReLU
## optimization
--beam_size 3
--max_vocab 200000
--max_epoch 100
--batch_size 8 # batch size (for back-translation)
--bptt 256 # sequence length
--optimizer adam_inverse_sqrt,beta1=0.9,beta2=0.98,lr=0.0001 # optimizer
--epoch_size 200000 # number of sentences per epoch
--eval_bleu true # also evaluate the BLEU score
--stopping_criterion 'valid_zh-en_mt_bleu,10' # validation metric (when to save the best model)
--validation_metrics 'valid_zh-en_mt_bleu' # end experiment if stopping criterion does not improve
The parameters of your Transformer model have to be identical to the ones used for pretraining (or you will have to slightly modify the code to only reload existing parameters). After 8 epochs on 1 GPU, the above command should give you something like this:
epoch -> 7
valid_fr-en_mt_bleu -> 28.36
valid_en-fr_mt_bleu -> 30.50
test_fr-en_mt_bleu -> 34.02
test_en-fr_mt_bleu -> 36.62
XLM supports both multi-GPU and multi-node training, and was tested with up to 128 GPUs. To run an experiment with multiple GPUs on a single machine, simply replace python train.py
in the commands above with:
export NGPU=8; python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=$NGPU train.py
The multi-node is automatically handled by SLURM.
However, multi-gpus might be slower than single gpu due to HW specification.
Training script is like showing below
python train.py --exp_name unsupMT_zh-en --dump_path ./dumped/ --reload_model 'best-valid_mlm_ppl.pth,best-valid_mlm_ppl.pth' --data_path path/to/data --lgs 'zh-en' --ae_steps 'zh,en' --word_dropout 0.1 --word_blank 0.1 --word_shuffle 3 --lambda_ae '0:1,100000:0.1,300000:0' --encoder_only false --emb_dim 512 --n_layers 6 --n_heads 8 --dropout 0.1 --attention_dropout 0.1 --gelu_activation true --batch_size 32 --bptt 256 --optimizer adam_inverse_sqrt,beta1=0.9,beta2=0.98,lr=0.0001 --epoch_size 200000 --stopping_criterion 'valid_zh-en_mt_bleu,10' --validation_metrics 'valid_zh-en_mt_bleu'
WARNING - 09/16/19 15:22:29 - 0:11:28 - Metric "valid_zh-en_mt_bleu" not found in scores!
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "train.py", line 327, in
File "train.py", line 306, in main
File "XLM/src/trainer.py", line 598, in end_epoch
assert metric in scores, metric
AssertionError: valid_zh-en_mt_bleu
sol: AssertionError: valid_zh-en_mt_bleu means that you told the script to save the best model based on the valid_zh-en_mt_bleu metric: --validation_metrics 'valid_zh-en_mt_bleu'. But if you don't evaluate BLEU --eval_bleu false, this metric will not exist at the end of each epoch, and the model cannot use it so it will raise an error.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "train.py", line 327, in <module>
File "train.py", line 234, in main
model = build_model(params, data['dico'])
**File "/home/ubuntu/GitHub/XLM (copy)/src/model/__init__.py", line 134, in build_model
File "/home/ubuntu/miniconda3/envs/pyt/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/module.py", line 830, in load_state_dict
self.__class__.__name__, "\n\t".join(error_msgs)))
RuntimeError: Error(s) in loading state_dict for TransformerModel:
Missing key(s) in state_dict: "lang_embeddings.weight".
Unexpected key(s) in state_dict: "attentions.12.q_lin.weight", "attentions.12.q_lin.bias", "attentions.12.k_lin.weight", "attentions.12.k_lin.bias", "attentions.12.v_lin.weight", "attentions.12.v_lin.bias", "attentions.12.out_lin.weight", "attentions.12.out_lin.bias", "attentions.13.q_lin.weight", "attentions.13.q_lin.bias", "attentions.13.k_lin.weight", "attentions.13.k_lin.bias", "attentions.13.v_lin.weight", "attentions.13.v_lin.bias", "attentions.13.out_lin.weight", "attentions.13.out_lin.bias", "attentions.14.q_lin.weight", "attentions.14.q_lin.bias", "attentions.14.k_lin.weight", "attentions.14.k_lin.bias", "attentions.14.v_lin.weight", "attentions.14.v_lin.bias", "attentions.14.out_lin.weight", "attentions.14.out_lin.bias", "attentions.15.q_lin.weight", "attentions.15.q_lin.bias", "attentions.15.k_lin.weight", "attentions.15.k_lin.bias", "attentions.15.v_lin.weight", "attentions.15.v_lin.bias", "attentions.15.out_lin.weight", "attentions.15.out_lin.bias", "layer_norm1.12.weight", "layer_norm1.12.bias", "layer_norm1.13.weight", "layer_norm1.13.bias", "layer_norm1.14.weight", "layer_norm1.14.bias", "layer_norm1.15.weight", "layer_norm1.15.bias", "ffns.12.lin1.weight", "ffns.12.lin1.bias", "ffns.12.lin2.weight", "ffns.12.lin2.bias", "ffns.13.lin1.weight", "ffns.13.lin1.bias", "ffns.13.lin2.weight", "ffns.13.lin2.bias", "ffns.14.lin1.weight", "ffns.14.lin1.bias", "ffns.14.lin2.weight", "ffns.14.lin2.bias", "ffns.15.lin1.weight", "ffns.15.lin1.bias", "ffns.15.lin2.weight", "ffns.15.lin2.bias", "layer_norm2.12.weight", "layer_norm2.12.bias", "layer_norm2.13.weight", "layer_norm2.13.bias", "layer_norm2.14.weight", "layer_norm2.14.bias", "layer_norm2.15.weight", "layer_norm2.15.bias".
sol: modify load_state_dict(reloaded) to be load_state_dict(reloaded, strict=False)
(MT/UMT model training from pretrained model (Vector size mismatch))[facebookresearch#144]
When you are training an MT/UMT model, if there's error like ...
size mismatch for embeddings.weight: copying a param with shape torch.Size([64139, 1024]) from checkpoint, the shape in current model is torch.Size([60374, 1024]).
size mismatch for pred_layer.proj.weight: copying a param with shape torch.Size([64139, 1024]) from checkpoint, the shape in current model is torch.Size([60374, 1024]).
size mismatch for pred_layer.proj.bias: copying a param with shape torch.Size([64139]) from checkpoint, the shape in current model is torch.Size([60374]).
sol: setting --max_vocab 200000 according to your current model size
sol: (s + ' ').replace('@@', '').rstrip() on the output string s.
- Fix the language model quality by checking whether tokens learn representation correctly
- Check data preprocessing
- Follow original script's hyper-parameter setting. For example,
is the number of sentences tained in an epoch instead of the number of epochs in the training; if--n_heads
is different from pretrained model might also lead bad performance;--attention_dropout 0.2
is big (0 to 0.1 is better);--batch_size 16
is small, the bigger the more stable the model will be. - Give it more time and alleviate stopping criteria
Check log's ppl value, more than 100 might be abnormal
In the following, please setting it to be original when training. Those modifications are only for translating.
in translate.py:
# modify
# to
if all([k.startswith('module.') for k in reloaded['encoder'].keys()]):
enc_reload = {k[len('module.'):]: v for k, v in reloaded['encoder'].items()}
# modify
encoder = TransformerModel(params, dico, is_encoder=True, with_output=True)
# to
encoder = TransformerModel(params, dico, is_encoder=True, with_output=False)
in src/model/init.py:
# modify
encoder = TransformerModel(params, dico, is_encoder=True, with_output=True)
# to
encoder = TransformerModel(params, dico, is_encoder=True, with_output=False)
Setting with_output=False
means that you are trying to reload a component that requires to have an output layer, when the reloaded model does not have any output layer. Can you try to set with_output=False for the encoder here.
Please cite [1] if you found the resources in this repository useful.
[1] G. Lample *, A. Conneau * Cross-lingual Language Model Pretraining
* Equal contribution. Order has been determined with a coin flip.
title={Cross-lingual Language Model Pretraining},
author={Lample, Guillaume and Conneau, Alexis},
journal={Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS)},
[2] A. Conneau, G. Lample, R. Rinott, A. Williams, S. R. Bowman, H. Schwenk, V. Stoyanov XNLI: Evaluating Cross-lingual Sentence Representations
title={XNLI: Evaluating Cross-lingual Sentence Representations},
author={Conneau, Alexis and Lample, Guillaume and Rinott, Ruty and Williams, Adina and Bowman, Samuel R and Schwenk, Holger and Stoyanov, Veselin},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 2018 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP)},
[3] G. Lample, M. Ott, A. Conneau, L. Denoyer, MA. Ranzato Phrase-Based & Neural Unsupervised Machine Translation
title={Phrase-Based \& Neural Unsupervised Machine Translation},
author={Lample, Guillaume and Ott, Myle and Conneau, Alexis and Denoyer, Ludovic and Ranzato, Marc'Aurelio},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 2018 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP)},
[4] G. Lample, A. Sablayrolles, MA. Ranzato, L. Denoyer, H. Jégou Large Memory Layers with Product Keys
title={Large Memory Layers with Product Keys},
author={Lample, Guillaume and Sablayrolles, Alexandre and Ranzato, Marc'Aurelio and Denoyer, Ludovic and J{\'e}gou, Herv{\'e}},
journal={Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS)},
[5] A. Conneau *, K. Khandelwal *, N. Goyal, V. Chaudhary, G. Wenzek, F. Guzman, E. Grave, M. Ott, L. Zettlemoyer, V. Stoyanov Unsupervised Cross-lingual Representation Learning at Scale
* Equal contribution
title={Unsupervised Cross-lingual Representation Learning at Scale},
author={Conneau, Alexis and Khandelwal, Kartikay and Goyal, Naman and Chaudhary, Vishrav and Wenzek, Guillaume and Guzm{\'a}n, Francisco and Grave, Edouard and Ott, Myle and Zettlemoyer, Luke and Stoyanov, Veselin},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1911.02116},
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