A project from Technigo. This is my first portfolio ever. And it will be updated with more specific info further on, right now is most a structure to keep build on and improve.
I had quite a challange with building it. We were instucted to follow a specific design and i didnt notice the link to figma at first, where some more details was provided, so I started by just look at the image of the design. Half way in I found the link and had to redo some structre and details. Which kind of messed up a bit of what I already built.
I had a huge issue with the items in my hero section to stay in one place while being responsive.. That gave me a lot of headic.. Thankfully I did get some help from a member in my team and I also reach out to an alumni of technigo to get some more guidence.
Over all it was a tough week for me, It has taken a lot of energy and Im feeling a bit stressed and overwelmed.
The accessibility testing part I experienced quite difficul and I know I have things to work on regarding those functions.
If I had more time I would have made the site a bit more userbility friendly by making the "top-projects" and "my thoughts" part a bit more flexible and responsive, by not showing all in the smaller views and showing more in bigger views. Also pay more attention to details, like fixing my profile pic, font-size in different views, and to figure out the items in hero section for real and how to do it in the best way. And a lot more ofcourse..
Link to Live site: https://romantic-volhard-2417c3.netlify.app