My first JavaScript project on my own in week 5 of Technigo Bootcamp. The assigment was to create functions to the game. Sending messages/questions to the user, filter the characters out and reload the page. etc..
I had problems to figure out quite a lot during the project. Turns out JavaScript is a bit tricky to understand.
I was lucky to have a team that helped out and supported me. I googled a lot, rewached the info videos/lectures from school and asked a lot of questions in the team.
During one point I could actually help explaining one part of code to a team member, an dthat helped me to even understand it a bit more by hearing my self explain it.
If I had more time I would like to do more tutorials and catch up on the basics in JavaScript. I wish to work on really understand it in order to move forward. With this project I was happy to meet the requierments but in the future I would love to add more features and fun functions to my code.