The service is build based on Spring Boot to act as a cache service for redis instance.
Version 1.0
- a non hit key will result to redis db look up
- found in redis, store in cache
- no found, inform client
- cache value is ordered with LRU algorithm
- cache value has a pre defined timeout value in millisecond Up coming
- less blocking on the LRU cache service
- Pass-in parameter support
- config support on remote redis instance connection
GET http://<host>:8080/redisrest/search/{key}
Insert test data
POST http://<host>:8080/redisrest/insert/{key}/{value}
MVN to build local .jar file
./mvn clean package
Docker image build
docker build --tag <name> .
local application only run
docker run -p 8080:8080 -d <image name>
single node deploy
docker-compose up