This project is a translation model from French to English using the Transformer architecture. The model is trained on the iwslt2017 FR-EN sub dataset.
We implemented the model following the Attention is All You Need paper. And we compared the model with torch.nn.Transformer
from PyTorch. They gained similar results except that the inference phase of the PyTorch model is faster due to the optimized implementation.
Furthermore, we implemented and compared three different positional encodings: sinusoidal
, learnable
, and RoPE
. More details about the experiments can be found in the
There is a 'environment.yml' file in the repository. You can create a new conda environment using the following command:
conda env create -f environment.yml
But the conda yml may not work properly due to the PyTorch version, CUDA version, and other dependencies.
Here is the list of essential packages:
- pytorch == 2.2.2 (You can just install from the official website along with torchvision, torchaudio)
- ignite == 0.5.0.post2
- huggingface-hub >= 0.22.2
- datasets >= 2.19.0 (for iwslt2017 dataset)
- transformers >= 4.40.1 (for tokenizer)
- nltk >= 3.8.1 (for BLEU-4 score)
- tensorboard (for visualizing logs)
For attn visualization:
- ipykernal
- matplotlib
- seaborn
You can install the other packages with latest version when you need them.
To train the model, you can run the following command:
python --config
tensorboard --logdir runs
To translate a sentence, you can run the following command:
python --config --model_path --src_text "YOUR_SENTENCE"
To test the BLEU-4 score on test dataset, you can run the following command:
python --config --model_path