Recruitment Advertisement for PhD / Master Students (2024 or 2025), and Research Assistants (All year round)(招收博士 / 硕士研究生[2024年或2025年],及科研助理[全年])
Hi there! I am Dr. Yinghao Huang, currently a Tenure-Tracking Assistant Professor at Great Bay University. I was a Post-doc Researcher working with Professor Taku Komura at The University of Hong Kong (August 2023 —— September 2024). Before moving to Hong Kong, I spent 7 years in Germany and earned my PhD degree (December 2022) in Computer Science from Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems and The University of Tuebingen, under the guidance of Director Michael J. Black and Professor Dimitris Tzionas. During my PhD, I also interned at Facebook Reality Labs and worked full-time at Momenta GmbH Europe for a short period.
I work at the intersection of Computer Vision, Computer Graphics, and Machine Learning, and mainly focus on research problems related to 3D Humans. My past research works include 3D Human Shape and Pose Estimation from Multi-view Videos, Lightweight and Real-time 3D Pose Estimation from Sparse IMUs, and Joint Markerless Reconstruction of Humans and Objects. You can find the full list of my publications on my Google Scholar page. I hold broad interests in various aspects of human body research, including but not limited to Next Generation Motion Capture (MoCap), Appearance and Geometry Modeling, Capture and Modeling of Interactive Behaviors between Humans, Objects and Environments, and also various types of 3D Human Motion Generations.
I joined the newly established Great Bay University as a Tenure-Track Assistant Professor at the School of Computing and Information Technology around September 2024. I found and head a new laboratory tentatively called CHL for Computational Humans Lab (Conceived with great help from Director Michael J. Black). I am always recruting PhD and Master's students, as well as Research Assistants. As the name CHL indicates, the topics will be centered around 2D or 3D Humans. I plan to continue my previous research efforts for the advancement of Virtual Human Technologies.
Great Bay University is a fresh new research university committed to building a higher education institution to integrate education with science, industry and the Greater Bay Area. Curretnly the degrees will be granted from other famous universities (For Computer Science students, master's degrees will be granted from Shenzhen University, and the PhD degress will be from Harbin Institute of Technology (Shenzhen). For Electronic and Communication students, the collaboration universitiy will be Southern University of Science and Technology for master's students and Sun Yat-sen University for PhD students). Normally the postgraduates will spend the first year at the collaboration university, then move to Great Bay University to complete the study. There are enough computing resources (GPUs and CPUs) provided by the school to support various types of AI research, and internally we plan to purchase necessary hardware devices to enable capture of 3D Humans data, including VICON MoCap system, XSens MoCap suits, 3D Face Scanner, High-Definition RGB cameras, and others. As a junior researcher, I value the chance of doing research together with students, and I hope we both can benefit from the collaboration experience and grow into better ourselves in both life and career. There will be weekly or bi-weekly one to one meetings between every student and me, in addition to the common weekly group meetings. I will be deeply invovled with every single project, and give detailed guidance based on my past experience. I will always be there to support each student whenever I am needed. I can recommend the students to do internship at other labs in both academia and industry, and I can also provide support for students who want to further their studies overseas.
If you are interested in working with me on any of the aforementioned topics, please do not hesitate to write me an email to arrange a detailed discussion. The correspondence should be addressed to [email protected] with the two underscores removed, and along with the inquiry email please also include: 1) your detailed CV, 2) a statement of why you want to work with me, and optionally 3) contact details of two or three referees (email addresses highly preferred). The language can be either English or Chinese.
Before jumping to the application, you may want to firstly check whether you will fit into our new team or not. The requirement at the university will be the same as that of the collaboration universities (For PhD students, HIT-Shenzhen requires that the applicants should hold both bachelor and master's degress from 211 or 985 universities). Ideally, we want the applicants to satisfy some of these requirements:
- The applicants should have experience working in Computer Vision, Comoputer Graphics and / or Machine Learning. It is even greater if the applicants ever worked on 3D Humans. PhD applicants need to have at least one good publication.
- The applicants are highly motivated to conduct cutting-edge research on the topic of 2D / 3D Humans. Doing research can be quite challenging sometimes, and only the ones determined to tackle the obstacles along the way are doomed to succeed.
- A good understanding and mastery of underlying theories and logics behind various Machine Learning algorithms, like general Deep Learning, Variational Auto-Endoders, and Diffusion Models. Being good at English / Mathematics / Programming / Physics is a plus.
Digital Humans or Virtual Humans have become a hot topic in both academia and industry, with many papers published at top-tier conferences and journals every year (In total, more than five thousand papers have been published at ToG over the last forty years. Among them, the seminal SMPL paper is the third most cited paper), many working opportunities offered at tech giants (Google, Apple, Meta, Tencent, Huawei, ByteDance and many others all have their own Virtual Human divisions), and many chances to build your name in this relatively new area. I am humbled to be able to continue exploring this exciting and promising direction, and I look forward to working with those who also think so. I hope you, who are reading this advertisement now, can be one of them, and one of us.
大家好!我叫黄英豪,现在是大湾区大学的一名助理教授。之前我在香港大学Taku Komura教授课题组做过为期一年的博士后研究员(2023年8月到24年9月)。来香港之前,我在德国学习和生活了七年,最终在Michael J. Black所长和Dimitris Tzionas教授的指导下,获得了马克斯普朗克智能系统研究所和图宾根大学的博士学位。读博期间我曾在Facebook Reality Labs做过一次为期半年的实习,还在Momenta公司欧洲分部全职工作过一段时间。
我在2024年的后半年,以长聘轨道助理教授的身份加入新成立的大湾区大学的信息科学技术学院。我成立了一个新的课题组(暂名为计算人体实验室,英文缩写为CHL,Computational Humans Lab,发音同Chill。Michae J. Black所长对起名亦有重大贡献~)并担任独立PI。新成立的课题组有若干博士研究生,硕士研究生,和科研助理的名额【具体数量待定】。我计划以新成立的课题组为依托,围绕二维和三维人体继续推进我之前的研究工作,以期为虚拟人体技术的发展和进步做出自己的贡献。
如果您对上面提到的任一研究课题或其他相关课题感兴趣,并且愿意和我共事,请您尽快给我发送一封查询邮件,以便后续我们讨论各种细节问题。请发送邮件到[email protected](去掉两个下划线),并随邮件附上:1)您的详细个人简历,2)说明为什么您想和我一起做研究,3)如果可以的话二到三个推荐人的联系方式(最好是邮箱地址),没有的话也无所谓。中英文皆可。
在开始正式申请之前,您还需要先确认下是否满足学校层面和实验室层面的招生要求。学校层面的要求和联合培养的学校相同(哈工深博士研究生要求本硕均为211高校及以上)。实验室层面的话,我们希望申请者可以满足下面一个或者多个要求: 1)申请者应该有计算机视觉,计算机图形学,或者是机器学习方面的学习和科研经历。如果是二维或者三维人体相关的学习和科研经历就更好了。博士研究生申请者需要发表过一篇及以上比较好的论文; 2)申请者需要对虚拟人方向足够感兴趣,并有足够的自驱力在二维和三维人体方面开展最前沿的科研工作。很多时候做科研都是很辛苦的,只有那些下定决心排除万难的人可以取得最后的成功; 3)申请者对于各类机器学习算法背后的底层逻辑应该有较好的理解和掌握,如一般的深度学习,变分自编码器,和扩散模型等。英语/数学/编程/物理水平较好是加分项。