Student Classroom Behavior dataset
Paper Name | Paper Link | Dataset Link | Trained weights Link | class |
SCB-dataset 1 SCB-dataset: A Dataset for Detecting Student Classroom Behavior |
4k hand-raising paper | Baidu Netdisk dataset extraction code: ZDBG | Baidu Netdisk models extraction code: aq7v | hand-raising |
SCB-dataset 2 Student Classroom Behavior Detection based on Improved YOLOv7 |
4.2k hand-raising,reading,writing paper | Baidu Netdisk dataset extraction code: kjek google drive |
Baidu Netdisk models extraction code: epvk | hand-raising, reading, writing |
SCB-dataset 3: SCB-Dataset3: A Benchmark for Detecting Student Classroom Behavior | SCB-Dataset3 paper | Baidu Netdisk dataset extraction code: ckw9 SCB-Dataset3-S(jpg) Baidu Netdisk dataset extraction code:9ti4 google drive SCB-Dataset3-S(jpg) |
Baidu Netdisk dataset extraction code: sm7k | hand-raising, reading, writing, using phone, bowing the head, leaning over the table |
SCB-ST-Dataset4 Extending the Spatio-Temporal Behavior Dataset in Student Classroom Scenarios Through Image Dataset Method |
SCB-ST-Dataset4 paper | Using [yolo2ava] to generate | ... | hand-raising, reading, writing |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
Thanks to the CBPH-Net authors for their contributions, here is the download link for the CBPH-Net contribution dataset STBD-08:
Paper Name | Paper Link | Dataset Link |
CBPH-Net: A Small Object Detector for Behavior Recognition in Classroom Scenarios | or | Baidu Netdisk dataset extraction code: 6tvu |
However, when we cleaned the STBD-08, we found that there were still many problem data in the STBD-08, such as the non-standard bbox, and some class labeling errors.
This dataset is highly similar to STBD-08, mainly in that the images are highly similar and the quality of annotations is also poor
The original website | Resource link (including dataset) |
---|---| | Baidu Netdisk dataset extraction code: fwie |
If you encounter any issues with the SCB Dataset or cooperation, please feel free to contact me via email at : [email protected]
29 October 2023, ICIG 2023 , Student Classroom Behavior Detection Based on YOLOv7+BRA and Multi-model Fusion
Register number | Full name of software | File link |
2023SR0518754 | 基于via的课堂学生行为数据标注与yolov7目标检测系统 | Baidu Netdisk extraction code: fixx |
2023SR0645718 | 基于via的课堂学生行为数据标注与yolov7目标检测与自动标注系统 | Baidu Netdisk extraction code: ssda |
2023SR1443796 | 基于改进的YOLO的学生课堂数据自动标注与目标检测系统 | Baidu Netdisk extraction code: jluk |
model | Trained weights Link |
YOLOv5 crowdhuman_vbody_yolov5m | Baidu Netdisk YOLOv5 crowdhuman_vbody_yolov5m extraction code: 5qcv google drive YOLOv5 crowdhuman_vbody_yolov5m |
YOLOv7x | Baidu Netdisk YOLOv7x CrowdHuman extraction code: ewop google drive YOLOv7x CrowdHuman |
YOLOv7 | Baidu Netdisk YOLOv7 CrowdHuman extraction code: ll6n google drive YOLOv7 CrowdHuman |
... | ... |