hotel Public
Hotel room booking system using the upcoming SQLAlchemy 2.0 functionally that is available as part of SQLAlchemy 1.4
pywinauto Public
Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/pywinauto
Python Other UpdatedMar 14, 2015 -
ObjectListView Public
Forked from adrianer/ObjectListViewPython-ObjectListView fork
Python Other UpdatedNov 12, 2012 -
puremvc-python-demo-wxpython-employeeadmin Public
Forked from PureMVC/puremvc-python-demo-wxpython-employeeadminPureMVC Python / wxPython Demo: Employee Admin
Python Other UpdatedSep 30, 2012 -
puremvc-python-standard-framework Public
Forked from PureMVC/puremvc-python-standard-frameworkPureMVC Standard Framework for Python
Python Other UpdatedMar 5, 2012 -
wxanythread Public
Forked from BrendanSimon/wxanythreadallow wxPython function/method calls from any thread