Telegram bot that validates new users that enter supergroup. Validation works like a simple captcha. Bot written in Go (Golang).
This bot has been tested on several supergroups (2000+ people) for a long time and has shown its effectiveness against spammers.
- Add the bot to your supergroup
- Promote the bot for administrator privileges
- A new user enters your supergroup
- Bot restricts the user's ability to send messages
- Bot shows a welcome message and a captcha button to the user
- If the user doesn't press the button within 30 seconds then the user is banned by the bot
- Option 1 (the easiest one): docker-compose + already built docker container
- Option 2: docker-compose + build your own docker container
- Option 3: systemd
- check that the bot is working correctly
You can change several bot's settings (welcome message, ban duration, socks5 proxy server) through the configuration file config.toml