Install Osx using /r/Hackintosh guide (you can install mojave by installing High Sierra, patching mojave, then installing it )
start clover, follow steps, choose your main drive, let it install.
mount the EFI partition on your main disk using clover configurator (or do it manually by following the 4 first steps):
- sudo -s
- diskutil list
- mkdir /Volumes/EFI
- mount_msdos /dev/diskXsX /Volume/EFI copy your EFI folder from the USB stick to the newly mounted volume
- umount -f /dev/diskXsX
- rm -rf /Volumes/EFI
restart laptop, go to bios options, select UEFI add new choose a name, path EFI/BOOT/Cloverx64.efi change default disk in config.plist to the disk you want to start by default
cd ~
curl -o ./
chmod +x ./
cp ~/Library/ssdtPRGen/ssdt.aml /Volumes/EFI/EFI/Clover/ACPI/patched/SSDT.aml
SMM -> Fan
ACPI -> ambient