gem 'whois-parser', github: 'jarthod/whois-parser' # Unofficial but more up-to-date fork, check status at
I'll try to merge as much existing PR as possible into this fork and provide my own updates too. I don't want to release the gem under another name at the moment to make it easier to go back to the official gem if possible, if so I'll update this page so you can check it from time to time when you see this comment in your Gemfile. The CHANGELOG file will be updated with all the changes in this fork, you can compare it with the upstream CHANGELOG
Below is the unmodified upstream Readme to make merging easier.
Whois Parser
Whois Parser is a — pure Ruby — WHOIS parser.
This library was extracted from the Ruby Whois library], and made available as a standalone library. It can be used in combination with the Ruby Whois library to perform WHOIS queries and parse the response in Ruby, or as a standalone library to parse WHOIS records fetched previously and/or from different WHOIS clients.
The whois repository contains more information on how to use the library.
- Homepage
- RubyGems:
- Issues:
- Stack Overflow
Whois::Parser uses Semantic Versioning 2.0.0
Copyright (c) 2009-2018 Simone Carletti. This is Free Software distributed under the MIT license.