alipay Public
Forked from fzlee/alipayPython Alipay(支付宝) SDK with SHA1/SHA256 support
Python Other UpdatedAug 2, 2020 -
flink-sql-demo Public
Forked from wuchong/flink-sql-demoDemo: Build End-to-End Streaming Application using Flink SQL
TSQL UpdatedJul 20, 2020 -
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Forked from pyflink/playgroundsProvide docker environment and examples for PyFlink
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ohmyzsh Public
Forked from ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh🙃 A delightful community-driven (with 1500+ contributors) framework for managing your zsh configuration. Includes 200+ optional plugins (rails, git, OSX, hub, capistrano, brew, ant, php, python, et…
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Forked from TheAlgorithms/PythonAll Algorithms implemented in Python
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Forked from poloclub/cnn-explainerLearning Convolutional Neural Networks with Interactive Visualization. https://poloclub.github.io/cnn-explainer/
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedMay 11, 2020 -
DeepLearning Public
Forked from MingchaoZhu/DeepLearningPython for “Deep Learning”,《深度学习》(花书) 数学推导、原理剖析与源码级别代码实现
Python MIT License UpdatedApr 27, 2020 -
weixin-python Public
Forked from zwczou/weixin-python微信SDK - 包括微信支付,微信公众号,微信登陆,微信消息处理等
Python UpdatedMar 2, 2020 -
Machine-Learning-Notes Public
Forked from Sophia-11/Machine-Learning-Notes周志华《机器学习》手推笔记
UpdatedFeb 25, 2020 -
BaiduNetdiskPlugin-macOS Public
Forked from CodeTips/BaiduNetdiskPlugin-macOSFor macOS.百度网盘 破解SVIP、下载速度限制~
Objective-C MIT License UpdatedNov 28, 2019 -
12306-booking Public
Forked from hack12306/12306-booking12306 订票助手:自动刷票,扫码登录,自动下单,自动跳转微信支付,扫码支付
Python MIT License UpdatedApr 10, 2019 -
python3-in-one-pic Public
Forked from rainyear/python3-in-one-picLearn python3 in one picture.
Jupyter Notebook MIT License UpdatedJan 5, 2019 -