Awesome-Pruning Public
Forked from he-y/Awesome-PruningA curated list of neural network pruning resources.
UpdatedMar 30, 2020 -
CME-CNN Public
Forked from yiminking/CME-CNNCME Arrival Time Prediction Using Convolutional Neural Network
Python UpdatedOct 4, 2019 -
cudaBERT Public
Forked from qsyao/cudaBERTA Fast Muti-processing BERT-Inference System
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJul 19, 2019 -
NTU-Machine-learning Public
Forked from dafish-ai/NTU-Machine-learning台湾大学李宏毅老师机器学习
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedJul 15, 2019 -
maskrcnn-benchmark Public
Forked from facebookresearch/maskrcnn-benchmarkFast, modular reference implementation of Instance Segmentation and Object Detection algorithms in PyTorch.
Python MIT License UpdatedJun 24, 2019 -
pytorch-deeplab-xception Public
Forked from jfzhang95/pytorch-deeplab-xceptionDeepLab v3+ model in PyTorch. Support different backbones.
Python MIT License UpdatedJun 24, 2019 -
pytorch-yolo-v3 Public
Forked from ayooshkathuria/pytorch-yolo-v3A PyTorch implementation of the YOLO v3 object detection algorithm
Python UpdatedJun 17, 2019 -
deeplabv3plus-pytorch Public
Forked from YudeWang/deeplabv3plus-pytorchHere is a pytorch implementation of deeplabv3+ supporting ResNet(79.155%) and Xception(79.945%). Multi-scale & flip test and COCO dataset interface has been finished.
Python MIT License UpdatedJun 11, 2019 -
efficient_densenet_pytorch Public
Forked from gpleiss/efficient_densenet_pytorchA memory-efficient implementation of DenseNets
Python MIT License UpdatedJun 11, 2019 -
pytorch-mask-rcnn Public
Forked from multimodallearning/pytorch-mask-rcnnPython Other UpdatedJun 3, 2019 -
Detectron Public
Forked from facebookresearch/DetectronFAIR's research platform for object detection research, implementing popular algorithms like Mask R-CNN and RetinaNet.
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMay 31, 2019 -
jinnan_unet_baseline Public
Forked from Tshzzz/jinnan_unet_baseline津南数字制造季军解决方案
Python MIT License UpdatedMay 20, 2019 -
Forked from xinntao/ESRGANECCV18 Workshops - Enhanced SRGAN. Champion PIRM Challenge on Perceptual Super-Resolution (Third Region)
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMay 19, 2019 -
pytorch-fcn Public
Forked from wkentaro/pytorch-fcnPyTorch Implementation of Fully Convolutional Networks. (Training code to reproduce the original result is available.)
Python MIT License UpdatedMay 17, 2019 -
nasnet-pytorch Public
Forked from wandering007/nasnet-pytorchA neat pytorch implementation of nasnet and the ported weights from tensorflow
Python MIT License UpdatedMay 14, 2019 -
examples Public
Forked from pytorch/examplesA set of examples around pytorch in Vision, Text, Reinforcement Learning, etc.
Python BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedMay 13, 2019 -
DCGAN-tensorflow Public
Forked from carpedm20/DCGAN-tensorflowA tensorflow implementation of "Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Networks"
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedMay 3, 2019 -
GNNPapers Public
Forked from thunlp/GNNPapersMust-read papers on graph neural networks (GNN)
UpdatedApr 28, 2019 -
cuBERT Public
Forked from zhihu/cuBERTFast implementation of BERT inference directly on NVIDIA (CUDA, CUBLAS) and Intel MKL
C MIT License UpdatedApr 28, 2019 -
PyTorch-GAN Public
Forked from eriklindernoren/PyTorch-GANPyTorch implementations of Generative Adversarial Networks.
Python MIT License UpdatedApr 26, 2019 -
apex Public
Forked from NVIDIA/apexA PyTorch Extension: Tools for easy mixed precision and distributed training in Pytorch
Python BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedApr 15, 2019 -
pytorch Public
Forked from pytorch/pytorchTensors and Dynamic neural networks in Python with strong GPU acceleration
C++ Other UpdatedApr 15, 2019 -
pytorch-pretrained-BERT Public
Forked from huggingface/transformers📖The Big-&-Extending-Repository-of-Transformers: Pretrained PyTorch models for Google's BERT, OpenAI GPT & GPT-2, Google/CMU Transformer-XL.
Jupyter Notebook Apache License 2.0 UpdatedApr 12, 2019 -
zero-shot-gcn Public
Forked from JudyYe/zero-shot-gcnZero-Shot Learning with GCN (CVPR 2018)
Python MIT License UpdatedMar 23, 2019 -
simple-faster-rcnn-pytorch Public
Forked from chenyuntc/simple-faster-rcnn-pytorchA simplified implemention of Faster R-CNN that replicate performance from origin paper
Jupyter Notebook Other UpdatedMar 23, 2019 -
Ad-papers Public
Forked from wzhe06/Ad-papersPapers on Computational Advertising
Python MIT License UpdatedMar 12, 2019