Full-stack developer, gradueted in Information Tecnology at UFRN. Experienced with Python, Javascript and Typescript. React developer.
- Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil
- @yurialessandrom
- Pro
Outer Wilds VR Mod with 6DOF tracking and full motion control support
real time face swap and one-click video deepfake with only a single image
Lib that creates characters for T20 RPG system
Python Library to Wirecard (old MOIP in Brazil) API routes.
Simple Pagar.me module made by Surfmappers.com
🌎 Visualization and analysis of earthquake data with interactive maps
👴 Script em Python para o novo fator previdenciário do Brasil
Programas em algumas linguagens de programação, geralmente exercícios das disciplinas do curso de TI da UFRN (BTI - UFRN)