ClapApp was made as a fun website project where users can interact with each other by sharing a link. Through websockets, connections are kept open with the server and people can invite each other.
Broadcasters are able to send and read messages, while listeners can only read.
A live version is available. The client is hosted on GitHub, the websocket server is hosted on Render.
This project requires python>=3.10
to run correctly. You can check your local version by using python --version
Open your favorite terminal and cd
to the repo where you want to get ClapApp, and execute those commands one by one:
$ git clone
$ cd ClapApp
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
$ python3 -m http.server
While keeping this open, start a new terminal window and cd
into the ClapApp repo once again
$ python3 -m app
You can now access http://localhost:8000 to see your local website running, and you can open tabs in multiple browsers using the broadcaster/receiver links to play with the sounds and websockets.
Optional: in yet another terminal window, you can see the CSS changes by running tailwind: (you might have to install the package)
$ npx tailwindcss -i ./client/main.css -o ./client/tailwind_main.css --watch