Thanks for dropping in!
My name is Zafir Momin and I am a Data Scientist with 2 YOE. I have a B.S. in Physics and a M.S. in Data Science from NYU.
I am a Python veteran and am familiar with data visualization and wrangling packages such as Pandas, Matplotlib, Seaborn. I have extensive knowledge of machine learning and deep learning frameworks, (i.e. SciKit-Learn, PyTorch, Tensorflow etc). I am knowledgeable in Big Data as I have the skillset to work with large datasets, database systems, SQL, and High Performance Computing (HPC) and ML cloud platforms such as Azure and AWS. I also have experience with Spark, PySpark and Hadoop. My professional work is not featured on my personal github but feel free to reach out to me if you'd like to learn more!
Some projects that I would like to highlight are featured below:
Skynet's Racetrack - [Paper] Using the Car Racing environemnt from OpenAI Gym, we used machine learning and deep learning to create models that learn how to drive around the track from human players. We achieved 75% and 99% accuracy on our best machine learning and best deep learning models respectively.
Million Song Dataset Rec Sys - [Paper]
Applications of Neural Radiance Fields in Astronomy - Paper
Please let me know if you have any questions. You can reach me at my personal email: [email protected].