New features
uploaded room icon is now removable
My Settings:
new dropdown for language selection
night / dark mode added
Header Menu:
new Automation Menu (gear wheel)
Automation Menu (gear wheel):
collects basic automation functionalities (Scenes, Rules, Schedules, Heating, Hazard Notification, Security)
menus are logically based on already known Apps like e.g. If>Then/LogicalRules (Rules), Leakage/Fire Protection (Hazard Notification)
all apps are adjusted to use or trigger all actors which makes sence (e.g. binary switch, multilevel switch, scene, RGBW switch)
the new desingned Automation menu, which is independent from Alpaca JS, should help to control your basic automations more easily
3 grid layout for mobile devices / smartphones
Adjusting mobile view
Add ON/OFF to mobile RGB Modal
Add new 24h History graph to widget
Add missing Icons
Add Audioplayer support
User management: If no rooms exists show info label "No rooms have yet been created" instead of empty fields
Active Apps: refactoring of mobile view
Online Apps: View refactoring
Active apps: expand all button added
New device categories: "Speech-assistant", "Wifi", "433Mhz", "Mobile phones" added
Add Alexa to system apps
Portugese, Italian translation added
New setup dialog for factory default devices which explains the new basic features of the software including speech assistent and automation.
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