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A fbx-conv-based tool to handle models

This tool allows you to convert models from .obj, .dae, .fbx, .g3dj formats into .smhmb and .smhmt formats


First of all, make sure there is at least Java 11 installed in your system by running the following:

java --version

Running smh-model

./gradlew :model:cli:run --args="/path/to/model.fbx"

Running smh-model-viewer

./gradlew :test-apps:test-jfx:run --args="/path/to/model.smhmb"

Note that this tool uses fbx-conv to convert .obj, .dae and .fbx files, which means you need to have fbx-conv installed in your system:

  1. Download fbx-conv here:
  2. Rename from fbx-conv-lin64 or fbx-conv-win32.exe to fbx-conv or fbx-conv.exe
  3. On Linux: move fbx-conv to /usr/bin/; move to /usr/lib/
  4. On Windows: add fbx-conv.exe to path

When downloading from releases, fbx-conv is automatically bundled with the program


./gradlew build

Using in your application

After building, you can use the following jar files in your application:

  • model/data/build/libs/*.jar
  • model/loader/build/libs/*.jar
  • model/fx-handler/build/libs/*.jar

A brief description of jar files:

  • data contains classes that represent the model
  • loader loads model from specified InputStream as objects from data
  • fx-handler converts these objects into javafx-specific nodes suitable for adding to the scene

You may also include other jars if you find them useful

Common CLI arguments


  • --type When set to text, data will be written to .smhmt file (which is suitable for debugging), otherwise to .smhmb
  • --list-loaders List all available loaders
  • --list-plugins List all available plugins and their usage
  • --compress Use gzip compression
  • --optimize Apply different optimizations methods to the model
  • --parallel Convert models using multiple threads
  • --use-plugins Specify a comma-separated list of plugins to use
  • --plugin Specify a key=value pair, where key is plugin name and value is space-separated plugin arguments


  • --compress Specify if model was converted with --compress flag
  • --background Specify custom background web color
  • --light Add light with specified web color to the scene. Light will be bound to camera position
  • --planes Create planes for ease of orientation
  • --face-culling Change model face culling to front, back or none
  • --info Display helpful information about the model


smh-model /path/to/file.fbx --type binary --compress --use-plugins normalization,reset-color --plugin reset-color="--ambient 1 1 1" --optimize

smh-model-viewer /path/to/file.smhmb --light white --background #FAE7B5 --compress --planes 30 --face-culling none --scale 2 --info

Unknown issues: --info flag creates weird white canvas in scene