This repository is intended to contain yet another implementation of the standard C++ library. This is work in progress, intended primarily to provide an improved interface for the standard algorithms and a fast implementation of the I/O streams and locales library. While prototypes for most of the components planned to be implemented exist, many of them aren't in the repository.
You can just use make
in the current directory. It will invoke cmake
build the code, and run tests. To have more control over the build-process
you can use cmake
with the CMakeLists.txt
in the src
This section is intended to yield an overview of the used concepts. The primary purpose is to serve as a quick reference of what needs to be implemented rather than necessarily capturing all details.
template <typename S> concept operation_state = destructible<S> && is_object_v<S> && requires(S& s) { { <a href="#start-cpo">execution::start(s)</a> } noexcept; } ;
templatete <typename R> concept receiver = move_constructible<remove_cvref_t<R>> && constructible_from<remove_cvref_t<R>, R> && requires(const remove_cvref_t<R>& r) { <a href="#get_env-cpo">execution::get_env(rec)</a>; } ;
template <typename R, typename Completions> concept receiver_of = receiver<R> && requires(Completions* comps) { []<valid_completion_for<R>... Sigs>(completion_signatures<Sigs...>*){}(comps); } ;
template <typename S> concept scheduler = copy_constructible<remove_cvref_t<S>> && equality_comparable<remove_cvref_t<S>> && requires(S&& s, get_completion_scheduler_t<set_value_t> const& gcs) { { schedule(forward<S>(s)) } -> sender; { tag_invoke(gcs, schedule(forward<S>(s))) } noexcept -> same_as<remove_cvref_t<S>>; } ;
(exposition-only)template <typename S, typename E> concept sender_base = requires (S&& s, E&& e) { { get_completion_signatures(forward<S>(s), forward<E>(e)) } -> valid_completion_signatures<E>; } ;
template <typename S, typename E = no_env> concept sender = sender_base<S, E> && sender_base<S, no_env> && move_constructible<remove_cvref_t<Sender>> ;
template <typename S, typename E = no_env, typename...T> concept sender_of = sender<S, E> && same_as<type_list<T...>, value_types_of_t<S, E, type_list, type_identity_t>> ;
template <typename S, typename R> concept sender_to = sender<S, env_of_t<R>> && receiver_of<R, completion_signatures_of_t<S, env_of_t<R>>> && requires(S&& s, R&& r) { connect(forward<S>(s), forward<R>(r)); } ;
(exposition-only)template <typename Sig, typename R> concept valid_completion_for = requires(Sig* s) { []<typename C, typename...A>(C(*)(A...)) requires nothrow_tag_invocable<C, R, A...>{}(s); } ;
This section is intended to yield and overview of the user customization point objects. The notation resembles how the customization points can be called. It doesn't represent their respective implementation. This section is intend as quick reference when implementing the corresponding customization rather than necessarily capturing all details.