Redis client for React Native
If you have rnpm installed, all you need to do is
npm install zdmitry/react-native-redis --save
rnpm link react-native-redis
in settings.gradle
include ':react-native-redis'
project(':react-native-redis').projectDir = file('../node_modules/react-native-redis/android')
in android/app/build.gradle
dependencies {
compile project(':react-native-redis')
add package to getPacakges()
import org.redislabs.rnredis.ReactNativeRedisPackage;
// ...
protected List<ReactPackage> getPackages() {
return Arrays.<ReactPackage>asList(
new MainReactPackage(),
// ... ,
new ReactNativeRedisPackage()
Additionally multi dex support could be required.
connect(Object config)
(Promise) - preform connect to the Redis server
(Promise) - destroy redis client instance (optional)
client.saveObject(String name, Object object)
(Promise) - save object to redis storage
client.readObject(String name)
(Promise) - read object from redis storage
client.subscribe(String topicName)
(Promise) - subscribe for redis topic events
client.unsubscribe(String topicName)
(Promise) - undo redis topic subscription
Methods should be called from React Native as any other promise. Prevent methods from being called multiple times (on Android).
import { Redis } from 'react-native-redis';
// ...
"singleServerConfig": {
"address": "redis://",
"database": 0
}).then((client) => {
client.saveObject('test1', {
"val1": "test_text",
"val2": 22
}).then((val) => {
console.log('redis.saveObject = ', val);
client.readObject('test1').then((val) => {
console.log('redis.readObject = ', val);
client.listen(msg => {
if ( && msg.action === 'set') {
client.readObject( => {
console.log('redis.event', msg, newVal);
client.subscribe('__keyspace@*__:*').then(() => {
// ...