Detecting anomalous traces of microservice system.
Ping Liu, Haowen Xu, Qianyu Ouyang, Rui Jiao, Zhekang Chen, Shenglin Zhang, Jiahai Yang, Linlin Mo, Jice Zeng, Wenman Xue, Dan Pei. Unsupervised Detection of Microservice Trace Anomalies through Service-Level Deep Bayesian Networks". 31th International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE). IEEE, 2020
paper download(论文下载):
TensorFlow >= 1.5
tfsnippet (tfsnippet package is copied from tfsnippet project:
TraceAnomaly can be run directly in the Docker image: silence1990/docker_for_traceanomaly:latest
docker pull silence1990/docker_for_traceanomaly:latest
Training set: train_ticket/
Test normal traces: train_ticket/
Test anomalous traces: train_ticket/