🔭 I’m Studing at faculty of science Alexandria University
🌱 I’m currently learning Docker, Supabase, React Native
💬 Ask me about React, SQL ,Java ... or anything here**
⚡ Fun fact Game of Thrones Night's Watch and playing Mobile legend
🔭 I’m Studing at faculty of science Alexandria University
🌱 I’m currently learning Docker, Supabase, React Native
💬 Ask me about React, SQL ,Java ... or anything here**
⚡ Fun fact Game of Thrones Night's Watch and playing Mobile legend
This project is a simple web application showcasing a phone store, built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Whether you're a customer looking for the latest smartphones or a developer seeking to lear…
Discover our HTML and CSS project inspired by Adidas's timeless aesthetic. Designed with simplicity in mind, this repository offers an ideal platform for both novice developers to hone their skills…
An HTML and CSS project inspired by the Avatar movie. Perfect for fans of the film or those learning web development.
UsePopcorn is a web application that allows users to explore a vast collection of movies fetched from the IMDb API. Users can browse through movies, view details such as ratings and summaries, and …
Bankist is a web application enabling users to perform basic banking operations such as deposits and withdrawals. It offers the convenience of signing in with three different accounts, including J…