Quick Start for Large Language Models (Theoretical Learning and Practical Fine-tuning) 大语言模型快速入门(理论学习与微调实战)
TensorRT-YOLO: A high-performance, easy-to-use YOLO deployment toolkit for NVIDIA, powered by TensorRT plugins and CUDA Graph, supporting C++ and Python.
MambaOut: Do We Really Need Mamba for Vision?
FlagGems is an operator library for large language models implemented in Triton Language.
A minimal GPU design in Verilog to learn how GPUs work from the ground up
A curated list of Artificial Intelligence Top Tools
The official repo of Qwen-VL (通义千问-VL) chat & pretrained large vision language model proposed by Alibaba Cloud.
a state-of-the-art-level open visual language model | 多模态预训练模型
This is a resouce list for low light image enhancement
AirLLM 70B inference with single 4GB GPU
[IJCAI 2022] FQ-ViT: Post-Training Quantization for Fully Quantized Vision Transformer
[NeurIPS 2020] MCUNet: Tiny Deep Learning on IoT Devices; [NeurIPS 2021] MCUNetV2: Memory-Efficient Patch-based Inference for Tiny Deep Learning
yolov3 yolov4 channel and layer pruning, Knowledge Distillation 层剪枝,通道剪枝,知识蒸馏 windows编译版本
The MOT implement by Solov2+DeepSORT with C++ (Libtorch, TensorRT).
A project demonstrating how to use CUDA-PointPillars to deal with cloud points data from lidar.
TensorRT deployment for CenterPoint Lidar Detection Model.
A REAL-TIME 3D detection network [Pointpillars] compiled by CUDA/TensorRT/C++.