Just a very simple and basic flask based, Amazon S3 file uploader. It uses boto3 to connect and interact with the AWS low level API.
Why is the sky blue ? (is it ?)
- clone the repo (or fork it)
git clone https://github.com/Zabanaa/flask-s3-uploads.git
- Create a virtualenv and activate it
virtualenv -p python3 ENV_flask_s3_uploads
source /path/to/project/ENV_flask_s3_uploads
- Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Export your AWS credentials
export S3_BUCKET_NAME="name of your bucket"
export S3_ACCESS_KEY="your aws access key"
export S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="your aws secret access key"
- Run the app
python wsgi.py
- Navigate to
or whichever port you chose to use, and enjoy life.
Do what the fuck you want license
Note: this is really just a learning project that I aim to use as a reference for when I need to actually use AWS in real world client/work projects. It will certainly evolve as a learn more about the AWS and S3