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Practical dependency injection in Giraffe that gets out of your way


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Giraffe.GoodRead Build Status Nuget

Practical dependency injection for Giraffe that gets out of your way.


# using nuget client
dotnet add package Giraffe.GoodRead
# using Paket
.paket/paket.exe add Giraffe.GoodRead --project path/to/Your.fsproj


This library consists of a couple of things:

  • function
  • require workflow
  • service<'t>() function
  • Require.apply function

Require.service might be the only one you need from the list, it lets resolve the services registered at core IoC container:

  >=> route "/logger" 
        fun logger ->
            logger.LogInformation("Using the ILogger") 
            text "Finished using depdendencies"
        ) is overloaded and allows to resolve multiple dependencies (for now up to 4):

  >=> route "/logger"
  >=><ILogger, IConfiguration>(
      fun logger config ->
        // user dependencies and return HttpHandler
        text "Finished using depdendencies") 

You can also return Async<HttpHandler> or Task<HttpHandler> in the function of

  >=> route "/users"
  >=><ILogger, IUserStore>(
      fun logger users ->
        logger.LogInformation("Requesting users...")
        async {
            let! allUsers = users.getAll()
            return setStatusCode 200 >=> json allUsers

Now this is a bit hard to unit-test because you have to test the entire http pipeline with AspNet Core's Integration tests but you don't have to if you just want to unit-test a couple of functions.

To make a function unit-testable, You have to think about two things:

  • What dependencies do you need
  • How to map the output of the function to HttpHandler

An example shows best how these are used

type User = { Id: int; Username: string }

type IUserStore =
    abstract getAll : unit -> Async<User list>
    abstract findById : int -> Async<Option<User>>

type FindUserResult = 
    | Found of User
    | NotFound 
    | ServerError of exn

let getUserById (userId: int) (logger: ILogger) (userStore: IUserStore) = 
    async {
        let! foundUser = Async.Try (userStore.findById userId)
        match foundUser with 
        | Ok (Some user) -> return Found user
        | Ok None -> return NotFound
        | Error err -> 
            do logger.LogError(err, "Error while searching for user")
            return ServerError err

Now you have and how to map FindUserResult to HttpHandler. The latter is simple:

let mapUserResult = function 
    | Found user -> json (Ok user)
    | NotFound -> setStatusCode 404 >=> json (Error "User was not found")
    | ServerError err -> setStatusCode 500 >=> json (Error "Internal server error") 

Now you can use again to resolve the dependencies, but you still need the user id from the request, this is done as follows:

  >=> routef "/user/%d" (fun userId -> userId, mapUserResult))

This works nicely because when your function getUserById doesn't return HttpHandler directly but returns some Async<'t> or Task<'t> then you have to provide the second argument which tells Giraffe how to map the 't to HttpHandler.

This is how you make your functions unit-testable. Only sometimes you don't really care about unit-testing and you just want to prototype things and write apps in rapid mode! Then allow me to introduce the require workflow:

The require workflow is a simple implementation of a reader monad that allows you to require registered services, using the service<'t>() function, then you can start using the dependencies. Here is an example of using it:

let getAllUsers() =
    require {
        // require dependencies
        let! logger = service<ILogger>()
        let! userStore = service<IUserStore>()
        // return Async<HttpHandler> or Task<HttpHandler>
        return async {
            let! users = Async.Catch (userStore.getAll())
            match users with
            | Choice1Of2 users -> return json users
            | Choice2Of2 err ->
                logger.LogError(err, "Error while getting all users")
                return setStatusCode 500 >=> json (Error "Internal server error occured")

// apply the requirements and turn getAllUsers into a HttpHandler:
let webApp = route "/users" >=> Require.apply (getAllUsers())

if your function happens to have parameters itself, then just provide them from the request:

let getUserById userId = 
    require {
        let! logger = service<ILogger>()
        let! userStore = service<IUserStore>()
        return async {
            let! user = Async.Try (userStore.getAll())
            match user with 
            | Ok (Some user) -> return json (Ok user)
            | Ok None -> return setStatusCode 404 >=> json (Error "User was not found")
            | Error err -> 
                do logger.LogError(err, "Error while searching for user")
                return setStatusCode 500 >=> json (Error "Internal server error")

let webApp = GET >=> routef "/user/%d" (getUserById >> Require.apply)

Unit Testing

Testing the code with mock dependencies is really easy when using the require workflow thanks to TestServer from ASP.NET Core:

testList "Giraffe.GoodRead" [

    testCase "Dependencies are correctly resolved" <| fun () ->
        let webApp = GET >=> route "/users" >=> Require.apply (Users.getAll())
        let logger = Mock.Of<ILogger>()
        let emptyUserList = [ ]
        let emptyUserStore = TestUserStore(emptyUserList)
        let setup (services: IServiceCollection) =
        let server = new TestServer(createHost webApp setup)
        let client = server.CreateClient()
        |> httpGet "/users"
        |> isStatus HttpStatusCode.OK
        |> readText
        |> fromJson<User list>
        |> fun users -> Expect.isEmpty users "Users list should be empty"


Build History


Make sure the following requirements are installed in your system:

> build.cmd // on windows
$ ./  // on unix

Watch Tests

The WatchTests target will use dotnet-watch to watch for changes in your lib or tests and re-run your tests on all TargetFrameworks

./ WatchTests


Practical dependency injection in Giraffe that gets out of your way







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