ZekomZ - Zekom Tribute Magazine - G+
- https://github.com/Zekom
- http://zekomz.github.io/Emisije-Subversion
Zekom / threex.planets
Forked from jeromeetienne/threex.planetsthree.js extension for planets from
Google Maps API layer that uses Three.js to for super fast animation
Zekom / cpuminer
Forked from pooler/cpuminerCPU miner for Litecoin and Bitcoin
Zekom / cpuminer-multi
Forked from tpruvot/cpuminer-multicrypto cpuminer (linux + windows)
A javascript scrypt cryptocurrency miner that uses a PHP built stratum server as a proxy.
Zekom / Bitcoin-phpMiner
Forked from codler/Bitcoin-phpMinerphpMiner for bitcoin
ZekomZ / Emisije-Data-Layer
Forked from Zekom/Emisije-Data-LayerGoogle APi - Adsense for Publishers
Zekom / validator-suite
Forked from w3c/validator-suiteValidator Suite
Zekom / html-minifier
Forked from kangax/html-minifierJavascript-based HTML compressor/minifier (with Node.js support)
Javascript-based HTML compressor/minifier (with Node.js support)
Blender glTF 2.0 exporter
Moved to https://github.com/KhronosGroup/glTF-Blender-IO.
The Arm ASTC Encoder, a compressor for the Adaptive Scalable Texture Compression data format.
ZekomZ / gltf-pipeline
Forked from CesiumGS/gltf-pipelineContent pipeline tools for optimizing glTF assets. π
Content pipeline tools for optimizing glTF assets. π
ZekomZ / glTF
Forked from KhronosGroup/glTFglTF β Runtime 3D Asset Delivery
Forked from KhronosGroup/COLLADA2GLTFCOLLADA to glTF converter
ZekomZ / obj2gltf
Forked from CesiumGS/obj2gltfConvert OBJ assets to glTF
Zekom / blendergltf
Forked from Kupoman/blendergltfA glTF exporter for Blender
Zekom / obj2gltf
Forked from CesiumGS/obj2gltfConvert OBJ assets to glTF
The jMonkeyEngine3 Software Development Kit based on Netbeans