What does this project do?
This project connects an ESP32 board to Tencent cloud by MQTT protocol, and publishes a topic which shows the value of a on-board Touch Pad (Capacitive Touch module).
Also, it receives from the cloud and set-high or set-low GPIO0 accordingly.
What do I need to get this project running?
See 1. Preparation
How should I do to get this project running?
See 2. Create a Product on Tencent Cloud and 3. Connect ESP32 to Tencent Cloud
The Board
The board I use called ESP-32F, which is a never-heard-of version of ESP32. It has a RGB light module which is soldered incorrectly (never gonna light up), and a speaker module which speaks when I try to light the RGB module up, and so many other shits. By the way, 1-starred on its TaoBao Page of course.
But it has two touch pads. Although their pin number don't comply with the schematic, they work smoothly thank god.
- MicroPython: http://docs.micropython.org/en/latest/esp32/tutorial/intro.html#esp32-intro
- Thonny: https://thonny.org/
Enter Tencent Cloud
Click '立即使用', after which you need a scan login
After logging in, you should see a page like this, click '创建产品'
Set up your product like this
Click Manage for the product you just created
Go to '设备列表' and click '添加新设备'
The information you need for now is just:
Product ID
&Client ID
&MQTT Username
&MQTT Password
to the board through Thonny. -
, fill in the information (Product ID
&Client ID
&MQTT Username
&MQTT Password
) you just got from Tencent Cloud. -
on board through Thonny. -
If everything goes well, you could observe your data on Tencent Cloud:
This project is just a modified version of a blog on the 01Studio (https://www.01studio.cc/) forum:
Thanks to Jackey.