Starred repositories
自研JavaFX图形化漏洞扫描工具,支持扫描的漏洞分别是: ThinkPHP-2.x-RCE, ThinkPHP-5.0.23-RCE, ThinkPHP5.0.x-5.0.23通杀RCE, ThinkPHP5-SQL注入&敏感信息泄露, ThinkPHP 3.x 日志泄露NO.1, ThinkPHP 3.x 日志泄露NO.2, ThinkPHP 5.x 数据库信息泄露的漏洞检测,以及批量检…
A SimpleHTTPServer written in Go, enhanced with features and with a nice design - https://goshs.de
Advanced Telegram x Discord C2, great for data Exfitration and Network evasion 🔷
一款后渗透免杀工具,助力每一位像我这样的脚本小子快速实现免杀,支持bypass AV/EDR 360 火绒 Windows Defender Shellcode Loader
MemoryModule which compatible with Win32 API and support exception handling
Loading BOF & ShellCode without executable permission memory.
SecLists is the security tester's companion. It's a collection of multiple types of lists used during security assessments, collected in one place. List types include usernames, passwords, URLs, se…
Burpsuite - Js Route Scan 正则匹配获取响应中的路由进行被动探测与递归目录探测的burp插件
Windows Local Privilege Escalation Cookbook
A lightweight, high-performance go mqtt server(v3.0|v3.1.1|v5.0) supporting distributed cluster
Apache RocketMQ 远程代码执行漏洞(CVE-2023-33246) Exploit
GUI Tool To Remove Ads From Various Places Around Windows 11
[WIP] 整理过去的分享,从零开始的Kubernetes攻防 🧐