You need to design an interactive puzzle that can be solved on an online website. The aim of the puzzle is to assess the soft skills of its users (eg - eye for detail, perseverance, curiosity, etc.) The soft skills to be assessed by the puzzle can be chosen by you The puzzle should incorporate direct or subtle methods of measuring these soft skills
- You must be familiar with the concept of a treasure hunt - a game in which players search for hidden objects by following a trail of clues
- You need to build the same by hiding clues and treasures on the website
- The clues can be simple text, videos, 3D animations, games, links or anything else that your user has to find or solve. Each clue tells your user where to find the next clue. The final clue leads to the treasure.
- You are allowed to send users outside the website you build (eg. a clue can be an instagram post, youtube video etc.)
- As you develop the puzzle, please keep in mind that it should revolve around a central theme and should be original, not copied from the internet.
- Note : To ensure accessibility and ease of use for our users, it is mandatory to deploy this interactive puzzle on cloud-hosting websites such as or Netlify. This will enable our users to access and solve the puzzle seamlessly from any device with an internet connection.
The Website should contain the following list of features
- Anyone with an email address can create an Id and password to participate in the game The puzzle must contain
- Minimum 5 clues
- Minimum 2 dead-ends
- Minimum 1 solution
- All the progress / user data (eg - time taken by each user for every step, solution accuracy, etc.) depending on your puzzle requirements should be stored for every user
- On refreshing, from either browser or website, the puzzle should start from the same step or give the user an option to restart
- A dashboard for the admin where the progress of all the users can be tracked & analyzed
These requirements are not mandatory but nice to have
- User analytics (eg - time taken by each user for every step, solution accuracy, etc.) depending on your puzzle should be stored and shown in the admin dashboard
- Data analysis using different graphs or tables
- User Leaderboard
[x] MySQL DB and schemas
[x] Auth and User schemas
[x] Basics
[x] Login Page
[x] Home Page
[x] Dashboard Page
- List of puzzles and start button
[x] Leaderboard
[x] Puzzles
[x] Admin panel
[x] Animations
[ ] A way to add new puzzles (similar to This project of mine)
[ ] Tracking and analytics for the user answers at a per-puzzle level
[ ] Using something like node-mailer to verify the email and also implement forgot password
and maybe some others...
Hosting link - Frontend Here and Backend here
Admin ID & password
- username: admin
- password: password
- Puzzle 01
- Makes the player look through a big piece of text to find characters that stick out.
- Tests their attention to detail.
- Puzzle 02
- Forces the player to make a tough decision.
- Tests their leadership and how they treat others when the finger is pointed at them.
- Puzzle 03
- Tests the player's ability to think of edge cases through a simple programming problem.
- Puzzle 04
- Tests how well the player can remember/recall information.
- Also tests their attentiveness as the information being asked is not highlighted in any way and is at the bottom of the index page.
- Puzzle 05
- I wanted this one to be a harder version of the previous problems, so this again tests the player's attention to detail.
- But this time, the flag is hidden in the page's source code, forcing the player to think outside of the box.
# install the deps for the root dir
npm install -D
# install the deps for frontend
cd frontend
npm install -D
# get back to root dir
# install deps for the backend
cd backend
npm install -D
- Both the frontend and backend have an .env.example
- Create a similar .env for both the folders
- This will use the db connection string setup in the .env for the backend
cd backend
# Run prisma migrate
yarn prisma migrate dev --name init
# or
# npx prisma migrate dev --name init
# Prisma db push ( required after every change to the schema )
yarn prisma db push
# or
# npx prisma db push
cd backend
npm run dev
# or for not running in dev mode
# npm run start
cd frontend
npm run dev
# or for not running in dev mode
# npm run build
# npm run start
# in the root dir
npm run test
- This should start the familiar cypress window to run the tests