Visualization of Common ML Algorithms
I will be using deeplearn.js to do most of the math computing. I will use d3.js or three.js to visualize the components/show an example for it. I will have a python server grabbing the web resources and I will have it host an API to grab the training, test, and validation sets for the different NNs.
I will be demonstrating a few basic machine learning algorithms
- Linear Regression
- Obviously house prices would be wonderful
- k-Nearest Neighbors (kNN)
- Movie Recommendation System
- Decision Trees and Random Trees
- Puppy classifier
- Naive Bayes (or Bayesian belief network, cause I think it's fun)
- Text Classification would be good here
- k-Means Clustering/Hierarchial Clustering/Label Propagation
- Similar movies from the IMDB database
- RNN (maybe LSTM)
- Sentiment Analysis
- OpenAI
- Genetic algorithm
- Self-driving behavior