Eesen is a toolkit to build speech recognition (ASR) systems in a completely end-to-end fashion. The goal of Eesen is to simplify the existing complicated, expertise-intensive ASR pipeline into a straightforward learning problem. Acoustic modeling in Eesen involves training a single recurrent neural network (RNN) which models the sequence-to-sequence mapping from speech to transcripts. Eesen discards the following elements required by the existing ASR pipeline:
- Hidden Markov models (HMMs)
- Gaussian mixture models (GMMs)
- Decision trees and phonetic questions
- Dictionary, if characters are used as the modeling units
- ...
Eesen is developed on the basis of the popular Kaldi toolkit. However, Eesen is fully self-contained, requiring no dependencies from Kaldi to funciton.
Eesen is released as an open-source project under the highly non-restrictive Apache License Version 2.0. We welcome community participation and contribution.
For more informaiton, please refer to our manuscript:
EESEN: End-to-End Speech Recognition using Deep RNN Models and WFST-based Decoding.
Eesen contains 3 key components to enable end-to-end ASR:
- Acoustic Model -- Bi-directional RNNs with LSTM units.
- Training -- Connectionist temporal classification (CTC) as the training objective.
- Decoding -- A principled decoding approach based on Weighted Finite-State Transducers (WFSTs).
- The WFST-based decoding approach can incorporate lexicons and language models into CTC decoding in an effective and efficient way.
- GPU implementation of RNN model training and CTC learning.
- Multiple utterances are processed in parallel for training speed-up.
- Inherits Kaldi's programming stype. Convenient to implement new modules.
- Eesen's close connection with Kaldi makes the end-to-end systems directly comparable to Kaldi's hybrid HMM/DNN systems.
- Fully-fledged example setups to demonstrate end-to-end system building, with both phonemes and characters as labels.
Refer to here for a list of recent updates.
Refer to RESULTS under each example setup.
- Create TIMIT example setups.
- Add CPU-based training.
- More Wiki pages/documentation, especially about training and decoding commands.
- Further improve Eesen's ASR accuracy from various aspects, to make it eventually better than the state-of-the-art hybrid HMM/DNN pipeline.
- Investigate the advantages and disadvantages of Eesen on different languages and speech conditions (noisy, far-field, etc.).
- Accelerate model training by adopting better learning techniques or multi-GPU distributed learning.
Email Yajie Miao if you have any questions or suggestions.