DoubleSideLayout is One of LayoutManager
in RecyclerView.
The TimeLine which Style can be decided by yourslef.
StatusView is the View which can express data View's status
GridPage is simple, it provides a way to create a homepage with reducing nest.
implementation 'com.orient:Orient-Ui:1.0.0'
If you find some question,please submit Issue
,or contact me by:
- 【QQ】:200522649
- 【Email】:[email protected]
Qiujuer:StatusView is from qiujuer's course, but there is no open-source library to use, so i modify it and share.
AVLoadingIndicatorView:StatusView's LoadingView is from this library. In order to avoid nest, i copy AVLoadingIndicatorView source code directly, and use only one kind of animation.
阿里图标库-旅游:StatusView's status drawable is from this icon library, it looks great!