Author: Zhengting Jiang, Wenjie Zhang, Wenjie Gu.
When you are using Ubuntu (Linux), please follow the process below. If you are using Windows please press the Windows icon, then type 'Anaconda', there should be a matching entry called Anaconda Prompt, select it and it will show a new command window. First we should create a new environment for the assignment.
$ conda create -n ipqda python=3.8 -y
$ conda activate ipqda
Next we should load necessary packages
$ pip install cellpose
$ pip install cellpose[gui]
$ pip install devbio-napari
The step above already contains PyTorch, we have no necessary to install PyTorch manually. After all the process, we could check the cellpose and napari gui's using
$ python -m cellpose
$ python -m napari
If everything works, then the installation is compelete.