This repository contains code to build a Multi-level perceptual semantic map in real-time.
We use ORB-SLAM2 as the slam part and FCAF3D to achieve point cloud detection. we have to mention that our orb-slam2's work also based this work->ORB-SLAM2_DENSE.
move to your ros workspace and get the code as rospackage.
cd /${your_workspace}/src
git clone
Pangolin、 OpenCV、Eigen3、DBoW2 and g2o(included in Thirdparty folder)
cd MultiMap3D/ORB-SLAM2_DENSE-master
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j4
create a conda environment
conda create -n Multimap3D python=3.8
conda activate Multimap3D
Then install the pytorch and cuda.(we use pytorch 1.9 and cuda 11.1 with a nivdia RTX 3070)
Follow the instruction and install the MMDetection3D
if you wanna use FCAF3D as detection method as well, then you need to install MinkowskiEngine
pip3 install -U MinkowskiEngine
if it dosen't work, check the website above and find another way.
then download the checkpoints you need in checkpoints file
cd ${your_workspace}/src/MultiMap3D/checkpoints
download here
Before running your package , don't forget catkin_make if you had any changes, and source your workspace.
(optional) cd ${your_workspace} && catkin_make
source devel/setup.bash
The detection and database code are in
Change the checkpoints file and config files' path in
config_file = '${your_workspace}/src/MultiMap3D/configs/fcaf3d/'
checkpoint_file = '${your_workspace}/src/MultiMap3D/checkpoints/fcaf3d_8x2_scannet-3d-18class_20220805_084956.pth'
And don't forget to change class names based your model.
Then choose use local point cloud(/keyframe_cloud) to detect or the global point cloud(/cloud2)
rospy.Subscriber('/keyframe_cloud', PointCloud2, callback)
or rospy.Subscriber('/cloud2', PointCloud2, callback)
python ${your_workspace}/src/MultiMap3D/ORB-SLAM2_DENSE-master/Examples/ROS/ORB_SLAM2_DENSE/scripts/
It needs time to load the checkpoint file, when you see 'start', you can run the slam part.
roslaunch orb_slam2_dense tum_pioneer.launch
you can change your dataset at ${your_workspace}/src/MultiMap3D/ORB-SLAM2_DENSE-master/Examples/ROS/ORB_SLAM2_DENSE/launch/tum_pioneer.launch
and change other parameters in ${your_workspace}/src/MultiMap3D/ORB-SLAM2_DENSE-master/Examples/ROS/ORB_SLAM2_DENSE/params