Hey there! I'm Zhou, a tech-savvy software engineer driven by my love for exploring cutting-edge technologies. Fresh out of the University of New South Wales with a BSc in Computer Science, I'm now taking my education to the next level with a standalone honours degree program.
Building products that make a difference in people's lives is my ultimate goal. I'm always on the hunt for new challenges and opportunities to learn and grow. With so many amazing projects I want to tackle, I'd love to collaborate with others to bring our shared visions to life. If you're looking for a partner to turn your ideas into realities, let's connect and create something truly awesome!
- LinkUp Events - A dedicated event tracker for events at UNSW. Browse upcoming events from 150+ societies, all in one place.
- Arc Clubs Interface - Create a user interface for exploring over 300+ clubs, societies and community programs at UNSW.
- CSESoc Projects (Slackbot) - A community slackbot to encourage participation with several useful tools and features.
- Linkup Classic - The original Linkup website which was built near the end of my first year.
- Personal Website - My personal webite for showcasing projects and practice frontend development.
- ...and several smaller projects. Details can be found here
Interests: Front-end developement, competitive programming.
Currently learning: Rust, C++