To check if git is installed run git --version
. If it is not installed do one of the following based on OS.
brew install node
Windows will need Git Bash as well to get a unix terminal. have them download the client from this site.
Students will need to know and get comfortable with the following commands and understand this is just another way of navigating their file structure.
tab: your best friend auto complete.
pwd: print working directory, see the full path of the directory (aka: folder).
ls: list, show all the items in the current directory.
cd: change directory, allows you to move between folders.
.: here, single dot means from the current directory.
cd ..: up one level, goes up to the parent directory.
cd ../..: goes up two levels, can be combined endlessly to move between folders.
~: root directory, moves the terminal to the root directory for the user.
clear: clears out the terminal and all the text.
mkdir ____: make directory: makes a folder with the provided name at the current directory.
touch: make a file at the current directory.
cp source destination: copy to location, set the location of the file you want to copy, and where to copy it to.
mv: move, allows you to move files around
rm: remove file, this will only specifically remove a file.
rmdir ____: deletes an empty directory.
rm -R ____: deletes all the content of a folder, forever, no return.
rm -iR ____: deletes all the content of a folder, but asks about every file before it does.
↕ arrows: Re types out previous commands. God sent and huge time saver.
code .: Opens vscode at this location.
set user info for git on terminal
- git config --global "____"
shell command
- Open Terminal found in Finder > Applications > Utilities
- In Terminal, paste the following:
defaults write AppleShowAllFiles YES
- Press return
- Hold the ‘Option/alt’ key, then right click on the Finder icon in the dock and click Relaunch.
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