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RBE 500 - Foundations of Robotics 2023

Taught by Professor Berk Calli at Worcester Polytechnic Institute Robotics Engineering Department

Team 24 Members: Zhun Cheng, Niranjan Kumar Ilampooranan, Chris Nguyen


ROS2 Humble packages to control Open Manipulator X


Clone the entire repo into the src/ directory in a new ROS2 workspace.

Run the following to build the packages in your new workspace:

colcon build --symlink-install

You may get some warning mesages, ignore them for now as long as everything successfully builds.

Don't forget to source your workspace:

source install/setup.bash

After connecting to the robot over USB, run the following to begin position control:

ros2 launch open_manipulator_x_controller

Now run the example code to move the robot:

ros2 run rbe500-example basic_robot_control

Or for python:

ros2 run rbe500_example_py basic_robot_control

Course Packages

omx_24_hw1, omx_24_vel_kin, and omx_24_pd_ctr are the separate packages written for respective modules

To run the packages, the computer needs to be connected to the OpenManipulatorX. The necessary commands are -

ros2 run omx_24_hw1 fk_sub

To obtain the current pose of the arm for current joint angles and publish them

ros2 run omx_24_vel_kin service

To launch the service for conversion between task-space velocities and joint-space velocities

ros2 run omx_24_vel_kin qinc

To launch the service used to obtain incremental joint angles based on current velocity (which will be used to set as intermediate joint-space goals)

ros2 run omx_24_vel_kin client

To make the robot arm trace a straight line using previous services and subscribers

ros2 run omx_24_pd_ctr client

To run the required services for controlling the robot arm to reach desired position based on PD current-based position controller written for Dynamixel actuators


Codes for RBE 500 final project







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