Tags: Zhuoyao1012/MNN
Tags # integration - add travis CI - fix building parameters for python # converter - add half storage option for MNN converter - fix op name lost in converter - fix converter bug for print input output, identity remove output # ops - add quantized Convolution & Deconvolution support on OpenCL - add more expression supports - add DetectionPostProcess Op for TensorFlow Lite (ssd is supported directly now) - add supports for LSTM & ELU for ONNX - add support for Convolution that weights is not constant for ONNX - fix Unary Op compile error on Linux - fix Metal backend buffer reuse after resize - fix Metal raw memory access after model releasing - fix redundant transpose in Winograd generater
- build: - unify schema building in core and converter; - add more build script for android; - add linux build script for python; - ops impl: - add floor mod support in binary; - use eltwise impl in add/max/sub/mul binary for optimization; - remove fake double support in cast; - fix 5d support for concat; - add adjX and adjY support for batch matmul; - optimize conv2d back prop filter; - add pad mode support for conv3d; - fix bug in conv2d & conv depthwise with very small feature map; - optimize binary without broacast; - add data types support for gather; - add gather ND support; - use uint8 data type in gather v2; - add transpose support for matmul; - add matrix band part; - add dim != 4 support for padding, reshape & tensor convert; - add pad type support for pool3d; - make ops based on TensorFlow Lite quantization optional; - add all & any support for reduction; - use type in parameter as output type in reduction; - add int support for unary; - add variable weight support for conv2d; - fix conv2d depthwise weights initialization; - fix type support for transpose; - fix grad outputs count for reduce grad and reshape grad; - fix priorbox & detection output; - fix metal softmax error; - python: - add runSessionWithCallBackInfo interface; - add max nodes limit (1400) for visualization tool; - fix save error in python3; - align default dim; - convert: - add extra design for optimization; - add more post converting optimizers; - add caffe v1 weights blob support; - add cast, unary, conv transpose support for onnx model; - optimize batchnorm, conv with variable weights, prelu, reshape, slice, upsample for onnx model; - add cos/sin/atan/tan support for unary for tensorflow model; - add any/all support for reduction for tensorflow model; - add elu, conv3d, pool3d support for tensorflow model; - optimize argmax, batchnorm, concat, batch to space, conv with variable weights, prelu, slice for tensorflow model; - others: - fix size computer lock; - fix thread pool deadlock; - add express & parameters in express; - rewrite blitter chooser without static map; - add tests for expr;
- dynamic computation graph (beta) - add supports (/express) - add tests - add benchmarks with it (/benchmark/exprModels) - Python - MNN engine and tools were submitted to pip - available on Windows/macOS/Linux - Engine/Converter - add supports for each op benchmarking - refactor optimizer by separating steps - CPU - add supports for Conv3D, Pool3D, ELU, ReverseSequence - fix ArgMax, Permute, Scale, BinaryOp, Slice, SliceTf - OpenCL - add half transform in CPU - add broadcast supports for binary - optimize Conv2D, Reshape, Eltwise, Gemm, etc. - OpenGL - add sub, real div supports for binary - add supports for unary - optimize Conv2D, Reshape - Vulkan - add max supports for eltwise - Metal - fix metallib missing problem - Train/Quantization - use express to refactor training codes
beta - fix quantization tool compiling on Windows - fix converter compiling on Windows - fix eltwise optimization on Windows - separate sse & avx for Windows - add LeakyReLU support for TensorFlow - fix reshape, const for TensorFlow - fix dimension format error for ONNX ops - optimize winograd, ReLU for OpenCL - add fp16 availability & dimensions size check-up for OpenCL - optimize GEMM for arm32 - fix ExpandDims shape calculation when inputs size == 1
beta - add NaN check-up - add quantification support for ScaleAdd Op - add binary to eltwise optimization - add console logs for quantization tool - better document for quantization tool - replace redundant dimension flags with dimension format - optimize performance of TensorFlow Lite Quantized Convolution - fix axis support for ONNX softmax - fix get performance compile error on Windows
beta - move docs to http://www.yuque.com/mnn - fix bugs for CPU ops TopKV2 and quantized convolution - add enqueue map buffer error handle for OpenCL - add nullptr protection for extra tensor desc - add failure protection for memory acquirement - fix slice shape calculation - refactor binary shape calculation