- AM: a (mobile) robot designer and maker
- E-mail: [email protected]
- GITHUB: Zippen-Huang
- WeChat: 混沌无形
自动驾驶(融合感知与规划、自动控制) | self-driving system(integrated perception and planning, motion control)
仿生与特种机器人 | biologically inspired and specialized robot design and control
(in preparation)
[1] 一种增力机械手爪. (201620043599.1).
[2] 一种可实用于内、外管道爬行机器人. (201521050698.4).
[3] 一种新型机械臂. (201621174783.6).
[4] 简易玉米脱粒机. (201711319375.4).
[5] 玉米脱粒机. (201711321004.X).
[6] 楼宇环境新型文件配送系统. (201910119506.7).
[7] 基于视觉的二维码定位抓取机器人系统算法. (201910011866.5).
[8] 一种多分裂高压导线断股修补辅助装置及其使用方法. (201910149941.4).
[9] 一种应用腿的六足机器人动力特性分析方法. (201910300123).
[10]基于SMA驱动方式的新型跳跃机器人. (2019103294229.8).
Robot projects practice, recorded in chronological order.
简介 | Introduction (2017.11 - 2020.06)
The project develops a medium-sized autonomous mobile robot software and hardware system for indoor and outdoor semi-structured environments, aiming to provide intelligent mobile platform theory and technical support for application scenarios such as logistics dispatch, park inspection and urban cleaning. Based on the ROS(robot operating system) platform, integrated perception system, location system, planning and control system, the robot can navigate to the destination autonomously given the target point.
简介 | Introduction (2019.04 - 2019.05)
项目主要为全向移动机器人与无人机之间配合,并沿着设有障碍物的路径行进到终点。无人机通过摄像头识别移动机器人顶部的二维码,以实现跟随运动;移动机器人通过Intel RealSense采集RGB图像,矫正移动机器人的姿态,通过分析深度图,判断前方障碍物的大小与位置,实现避障。
The project worked with an omnidirectional mobile robot and a quadrotor, and travels along the path with obstacles to the end. The quadrotor recognizes the QR code on the top of the mobile robot through the camera to achieve the following action; the mobile robot acquires the RGB image through Intel RealSense, corrects the posture of the mobile robot, and analyzes the depth map to determine the size and position of the obstacle in front, thereby avoiding barrier.
简介 | Introduction (2018.09 - 2018.12)
The project designed an omnidirectional mobile platform equipped with a four-degree-of-freedom manipulator, and identifies the spatial pose of the object with the QR code through the ZED stereo camera to complete the moving, positioning and grasping operation of the target.
简介 | Introduction (2017.09 - 2018.04)
The project focused on robot's power. Mainly responsible for the analysis of robot dynamic characteristics and design of power management system.
简介 | Introduction (2016.10 - 2017.06)
The project designed large-load logistics vehicles with gesture control and intelligent following functions. Based on kinect camera, the human body posture information is collected and converted into robot motion control information to realize robot intelligent following.
简介 | Introduction (2016.06 - 2016.09)
The project developed a single-motor spiral-driven wave-type robot, which rotates around the axis by a single-motor-driven space spiral mechanism, and drives the multi-stage series linkage mechanism to be “wave-like”.
简介 | Introduction (2016.04 - 2016.09)
The project studied the load capacity enhancement device applicable to the robot arm, and uses an in-line mechanism to balance the gravity of the arm itself, and a small robot arm to which the auxiliary device is applied.
简介 | Introduction (2015.08 - 2015.12)
The project designed a high-speed, low-inertia, eight-link single-degree-of-freedom bionic leg, which is used as the rear leg of the robot. The six-link mechanism is used to design the front leg of the robot. Based on this, the bionic quadruped robot with bionic legs is designed.
简介 | introduction (2014.11 - 2015.05)
The project designed a pipeline inspection robot that can be applied to the inner pipeline with active/passive deformation. The mechanism can actively adjust the peripheral radius of the robot, and the outer radius of the robot can be passively adjusted by the elastic component. It is symmetrical and modularized, and the detection instrument is installed at the front end and the rear end of the robot to synthesize a pipe crawling robot with good performance and extensibility.
视频展示 | result show
Document useful resources during project development
- ROS:机器人操作系统
- Apollo:国内领先开源无人驾驶系统
- Autoware --中文简介:基于ROS的Most Stars开源代码汇总(自动驾驶汽车+RGBDSLAMv2+ROS2+人识别与跟踪等
- Gazabo
- V-REP:机器人模拟器
- Stage:移动机器人模拟器
- player
- Carmen:CARMEN is an open-source collection of software for mobile robot control. CARMEN is modular software designed to provide basic navigation primitives including: base and sensor control, logging, obstacle avoidance, localization, path planning, and mapping.
- Peekabot:Peekabot is a real-time, networked 3D visualization tool for robotics, written in C++. Its purpose is to simplify the visualization needs faced by a roboticist daily.
- YARP:Yet Another Robot Platform.
- Webots:Webots is a development environment used to model, program and simulate mobile robots.
- Open AI's Roboschool: Open-source software for robot simulation, integrated with OpenAI Gym.
- g2core: Open-source motion control software for CNC and Robotics, designed to run on Arduino Due class microcontrollers.g2core is a 9 axes (XYZABC+UVW) motion control system designed for high-performance on small to mid-sized machines, such as CNC, 3D printing, Laser cutting.
- fastsim
- CommonRoad
- CoInCar-Sim
- Autoware
- CarND-path planning
- Matlab robotics toolbox:matlab toolbox for robotics reseach
- Qt:跨平台的应用程序和用户界面框架
- Machine Learning: tensorflow, Caffe, Keras, PyTorch, and so on
- Mathematica:全球现代技术计算的终极系统
- UML:Unified Modeling Language - 统一建模语言 - 搭建项目架构
- Doxygen:一个程序的文件产生工具,可将程序中的特定注释转换成为说明文件
- xmind:思维导图
规划 Planning
- OMPL:Open Motion Planning Library
控制 Control
- Robotics Library (RL):一个独立的C++库,包括机器人动力学,运动规划和控制,偏向工业机器人
- RobWork:一组C++库的集合,用于机器人系统的仿真和控制
感知 Perception
- ViSP:Open-source visual servoing platform library, is able to compute control laws that can be applied to robotic systems.
- OpenCV:开源计算机视觉库
- PCL:点云库是一个独立的,大规模的开放项目,用于2D/3D图像和点云处理
- V4R (Vision for Robotics) library:视觉建模与识别、跟踪,支持ROS
定位 Localization
- RTKLIB:An Open Source Program Package for GNSS Positioning
综合 Synthesis
- MRPT:移动机器人编程工具包
- Neurorobotics Platform (NRP) :An Internet-accessible simulation system that allows the simulation of robots controlled by spiking neural networks.
- Drake:A planning, control and analysis toolbox for nonlinear dynamical systems.
- MOOS-IvP:一组开源C++模块,提供机器人平台的自主权,尤其是自主的海洋车辆
- ROS Behavior Trees:Open-source library to create robot's behaviors in form of Behavior Trees running in ROS (Robot Operating System).
其他 Others
- Lightweight Communications and Marshalling (LCM).:轻量级通信系统,和ROS相似,
- matlab robotics toolbox
其他计算等库 Others
- Armadillo:高质量的C++线性代数库,速度和易用性做到了很好的平衡,C++下的Matlab替代品
- Eigen3:高级C++模板头文件库,包括线性代数,矩阵,向量操作,数值解决和其他相关的算法
- blaze:高性能的C++数学库,用于密集和稀疏算法
- ceres-solver:来自谷歌的C++库,用于建模和解决大型复杂非线性最小平方问题
- Boost
- newmat11:a matrix library in C++
- NVIDIA Jetson Family: TK1, TX1, TX2, NANO, Xaiver
- Intel Family: Intel NUC, Galileo, Edison
- Raspberry Pi Series
- ODROID Series
- 华为机器人开发板 HUAWEI HAISI hikey970
- STM32 Series
- Arduino Series
- openCR
- MicroSoft Kinect
- Intel RealSense
- 奥比中光(Astra)
Velodyne | Sick | Ibeo | Hokuyo | Trimble 思岚科技(SLAMTEC) | 速腾聚创 | 禾赛科技 | 北醒光子 | 镭神智能
- razor-imu-9dof
- Ublox GPS
- maxon motor
科大讯飞 XFM10621 | 百度SoundPi | Seeed Respeaker| Synaptics AudioSmart Development Kits for Amazon AVS
Turtlebot(1-3) | HUSKY | RACE CAR | Autolabor | Pro | RobotMaster S1
Dobot | uArm | UR5
DJI AUV | PixHawk
1.0 几何法 | Geometric Modele
- Fox D, Burgard W, Thrun S. The dynamic window approach to collision avoidance[J]. IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine, 1997, 4(1): 23-33.
- Brock O, Khatib O. High-speed navigation using the global dynamic window approach[C]//Proceedings 1999 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (Cat. No. 99CH36288C). IEEE, 1999, 1: 341-346.
- DWA伪代码
- 差速轮航迹推演理论
- Rösmann C, Hoffmann F, Bertram T. Integrated online trajectory planning and optimization in distinctive topologies[J]. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 2017, 88: 142-153.
- Rösmann C, Hoffmann F, Bertram T. Kinodynamic trajectory optimization and control for car-like robots[C]//2017 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS). IEEE, 2017: 5681-5686.
- 算法代码:teb_local_planner
- Martinez-Gomez L, Fraichard T. Collision avoidance in dynamic environments: an ics-based solution and its comparative evaluation[C]//2009 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation. IEEE, 2009: 100-105.
- Fiorini P, Shiller Z. Motion planning in dynamic environments using velocity obstacles[J]. The International Journal of Robotics Research, 1998, 17(7): 760-772.
- Shiller Z, Large F, Sekhavat S. Motion planning in dynamic environments: Obstacles moving along arbitrary trajectories[C]//Proceedings 2001 ICRA. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (Cat. No. 01CH37164). IEEE, 2001, 4: 3716-3721.
2.0 曲线拟合法 | Curve Fitting
- Pivtoraiko M, Knepper R A, Kelly A. Differentially constrained mobile robot motion planning in state lattices[J]. Journal of Field Robotics, 2009, 26(3): 308-333.
- Nagy B, Kelly A. Trajectory generation for car-like robots using cubic curvature polynomials[J]. Field and Service Robots, 2001, 11.
- math derivation
- Frenet Frame:Werling M, Ziegler J, Kammel S, et al. Optimal trajectory generation for dynamic street scenarios in a frenet frame[C]//2010 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation. IEEE, 2010: 987-993.
- Dubins:Bui X N, Boissonnat J D, Soueres P, et al. Shortest path synthesis for Dubins non-holonomic robot[C]//Proceedings of the 1994 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation. IEEE, 1994: 2-7.
- R&S Curve:Sussmann H J, Tang G. Shortest paths for the Reeds-Shepp car: a worked out example of the use of geometric techniques in nonlinear optimal control[J]. Rutgers Center for Systems and Control Technical Report, 1991, 10: 1-71.
3.0 概率法 | Sampling-based Algorithms
- EKF(Extend Kalman Filter)
- UKF(Unscented Kalman Filter)
凸优化 Convex Optimization
数值优化 Numerical Optimization
图优化 Graph Optimization
Excellent Website Collection
- 机械臂和轨迹规划算法相关:Brian2018
- NVIDIA JETSON系列开发板及RACE CAR教程网站:JetsonHacks
- 机器人算法汇集-超级全:PythonRobotics by AtsushiSakai
- 同类型的机器人算法cpp版本:CppRobotics
- Modern Robotics: Mechanics, Planning, and Control书籍c++代码,更多看:link
- 机器人大师之路指点迷津:YY硕
- ROS开发实践大神的博客:古月居 R. PATRICK GOEBEL
- 树莓派自动小车(Donkey Car)开发经历记录:SHIROKU
- 深度学习相关实践经历:JK Jung's blog
- 机器人、游戏开发等计算机相关资料:Adrian Boeing
- 做自动驾驶的哥们儿github:Peter Christiansen
- 罗马的一位机器人大神博客:The Raffaello's robotics blog[邮箱:[email protected]]
- 详解制作donkeycar过程的团队:donkeycar project和github
- 自主避障主题:obstacle-avoidance
- 简单路径规划博客:Andy G's Blog
- 自动驾驶、深度学习博客:阿贵
- Tombone's Computer Vision Blog:Tombone:Deep Learning, Computer Vision, and the algorithms that are shaping the future of Artificial Intelligence.
- Robert Eisele:个人主页,网页及人工智能相关github
- Adrian Boeing: Blog:机器人等相关话题的博客,涉及AI、计算机、教育、游戏、图像、操作系统、物理、编程等
- 国内机器人软硬件及其编程教程汇集:创客智造
- 国内各类软件编程教程网站(程序员的天地):菜鸟教程 runoob
- 国外各类软件编程教程网站(和菜鸟教程相似):w3schools
- 国外数据结构、计算机几何及各类软件编程教程:GeekforGeeks
- 人工智能、机器学习、自动驾驶等技术类综合型资料:Intro to Artificial Intelligence
- 慕尼黑工大 凤凰机器人:TUM Phoenix Robotics[无人机与智能移动机器人]
- clearpathrobotics机器人产品化团队:clearpathrobotics
- CMU无人车:Team Taran Racing from Carnegie Mellon University
- 斯坦福无人车:Stanford Racing from Stanford University
- 谷歌无人车 Waymo:Google self-driving car project
- 英伟达无人驾驶平台:NVIDIA-DGX-1
- Auro L4自动驾驶:Auro robotics
- The Autoware Foundation:link
- Berkeley Autonomous Race Car:link
- 机器人范畴很全的资料链接-课程、书籍、软件、期刊、公司等;A list of awesome Robotics resources:kiloreux/awesome-robotics
- 非常丰富的数学资源:wolfram mathworld
- 介绍机器人设计过程中的详细资料(包含理论推导和工程实践):TTU Advanced Robotics
- 概率论、优化相关数学资料汇集网站:Bob Fisher
- 各类电子书籍下载网站:Library Genesis
- 部分论文及其各类电子书下载网址:arxiv[备注:为了防止自己的idea在论文被收录前被别人剽窃,将预稿上传到arvix作为预收录,以证明论文原创性]
- 文献小镇(几乎能下载到所有文献):sci-hub
- 国外硕博论文下载:pqdtopen和dart-europe
- 三维模型下载:grabcad
- sourceforge:软件平台
- 宾夕法尼亚运动规划
- Artificial Intelligence for Robotics Udacity
- Robotics Nanodegree Udacity 💵
- Autonomous Mobile Robots edX
- Underactuated Robotics edX
- Autonomous Mobile Robots edX
- Robot Mechanics and Control, Part I edX
- Robot Mechanics and Control, Part II edX
- Autonomous Navigation for Flying Robots edX
- Robotics Micromasters edX
- Robotics Specialization by GRASP Lab Coursera 💵
- Control of Mobile Robots Coursera
- QUT Robot Academy QUT
- Robotic vision QUT
- Introduction to robotics MIT
- Robotics: Vision Intelligence and Machine Learning edX
- Applied robot design Stanford University
- Introduction to Robotics Stanford University
- Introduction to Mobile Robotics University of Freiburg
- Robotics edx 💵
- Columbia Robotics edx
- Autonomous Robots
- Bioinspiration & Biomimetics
- Frontiers in Robotics and AI
- IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine
- IEEE Transactions on Haptics
- IEEE Transactions on Robotics
- IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics
- International Journal of Social Robotics
- Journal of Field Robotics
- Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems
- Mechatronics
- Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing
- Robotics and Autonomous Systems
- The International Journal of Robotics Research
- ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human Robot Interaction (HRI)
- CISM IFToMM Symposium on Robot Design, Dynamics and Control (RoManSy)
- IEEE Conference on Decision and Controls (CDC)
- IEEE International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics (ICORR)
- IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)
- IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)
- IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids)
- International Symposium of Robotic Research (ISRR)
- International Symposium of Experimental Robotics (ISER)
- Robotica
- Robotics: Science and Systems Conference (RSS)
- The International Workshop on the Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics (WAFR)
- Boston Dynamics robotics R&D company, creator of the state of the art Atlas and Spot robots
- iRobot manufacturer of the famous Roomba robotic vacuum cleaner
- PAL Robotics
- Aldebaran Robotics creator of the NAO robot
- ABB Robotics the largest manufacturer of industrial robots
- KUKA Robotics major manufacturer of industrial robots targeted at factory automation
- FANUC industrial robots manufacturer with the biggest install base
- Rethink Robotics creator of the collaborative robot Baxter
- DJI industry leader in drones for both commerical and industrial needs.
- The construct sim A cloud based tool for building modern, future-proof robot simulations.
- Fetch Robotics A robotics startup in San Jose, CA building the future of e-commerce fulfillment and R&D robots.
- Festo Robotics Festo is known for making moving robots that move like animals such as the sea gull like SmartBird, jellyfish, butterflies and kangaroos.
- ICRA Robot Challenges
- RobotChallenge
- DARPA Robotics Challenge
- European Robotics Challenges
- First Robotics Competition
- VEX Robotics Competition
- RoboCup
- Eurobot International Students Robotics Contest
- RoboMasters
- RoboSoft, Grand Challenge
- Intelligent Ground Vehicle Competition
- Robotex The biggest robotics festival in Europe
- IEEE Spectrum Robotics robotics section of the IEEE Spectrum magazine
- MIT Technology Review Robotics robotics section of the MIT Technology Review magazine
- reddit robotics subreddit
- RosCON conference (video talks included)
- Carnegie Mellon Robotics Academy
- Let's Make Robots
- How do I learn Robotics?
- Free NXT Lego MindStorms NXT-G code tutorials
- StackExachange Robotics community
- 47 Programmable robotic kits
- Linorobot A suite of DIY ROS compatible robots
- Awesome Artificial Intelligence
- Awesome Computer Vision
- Awesome Machine Learning
- Awesome Deep Learning
- Awesome Deep Vision
- Awesome Reinforcement Learning
- Awesome Robotics
- Awesome Robotics Libraries
- Planning Algorithms
- Probabilistic Robotics (Intelligent Robotics and Autonomous Agents series):概率机器人
- Robotics, Vision and Control: Fundamental Algorithms in MATLAB
- Springer Handbook of Robotics:机器人学习工具手册
- Robotics: Modelling, Planning and Control
- Computational Principles of Mobile Robotics
- Theory of Applied Robotics
- Modern Robotics: Mechanics, Planning, and Control
- Introduction to Robotics Mechanics and Control
- Numerical Optimization
- Convex Optimization:凸优化
- Linear Algebra Done Wrong
- Linear System Theory and Design:线性系统理论
- Linear Estimation:线性估计
- Modern Control Systems
- Stochastic models estimation and control:随机系统的控制和最优控制
- Rigid Body Dynamics:刚体动力学
- Feedback Systems: An Introduction for Scientists and Engineers
- A mathematical introduction to robotic manipulation
- An elementary introduction to groups and representations:对群的精辟介绍
- topologywithouttears:拓扑方面的教材
reading and sports