This is the github repo for the uniform inference for nonlinear endogenous effects with high-dimensional covariates using double bias correction by the following paper:
Qingliang Fan, Zijian Guo, Ziwei Mei, Cun-Hui Zhang (2023): "Uniform Inference for Nonlinear Endogenous Treatment Effects with High-Dimensional Covariates".
You can install the required package with
In addition, users need to install the "Rmosek" package manually. The instructions for installation are available at Installation of MOSEK Rmosek package.
"Estimate_Functions.R" and "Inference_Functions.R" contain necessary R functions for initial Lasso estimators, bias-correction estimators and a uniform confidence band for the marginal effect function.
"example.R" provides an example that is shown below.
This is a basic example that shows you how to use the Q test.
rm(list = ls())
### Setup:
# D is a scalar endogenous treatment. Z includes a fixed number (usually 1) of instruments. X includes high-dimensional covariates.
## Y = g(D) + X\theta + u,
## D = \sum_{\ell} \psi_{\ell}(Z_\ell) + X\phi + v
## Target: Uniform inference for the marginal effect function g'(.)
n = 1000
px = 150
pz = 1
sx = 10 # sparsity index for \theta and \phi
# Define coefficients and functions
phi = c( rep(c(1,-1),sx/2),rep(0,px-sx))
theta = c(rep(1,sx),rep(0,px-sx)) <- function(Z, normalization = FALSE, base = NULL){
if (normalization){
if (is.null(base)){
base = Z
Z = normalize(Z, base = base)
return( 4 * ( 2 * Z - 1)^2)
} <- function(D, normalization = FALSE, base = NULL){
if (normalization){
if (is.null(base)){
base = D
D = normalize(D, base = base)
return( 0.05 * (D-1)^3 )
g.deriv <- function(D,normalization = FALSE, base = NULL){
range = 1
if (normalization){
if (is.null(base)){
base = D
D = normalize(D, base = base)
range = max(base) - min(base)
return( 0.15 * (D-1)^2 )
## control function: E(u|v) = q(v) = function(v, normalization = FALSE, base = NULL){
if (normalization){
if (is.null(base)){
base = v
v = normalize(v, base = base)
return( v^2 - 1 )
### Generate data
Unif <- matrix(runif(n*(px+pz+1)), nrow = n)
UU = Unif[,px+pz+1]
X = ((Unif[,1:px] + 0.3 * UU) / 1.3 - 0.5 )
Z = (Unif[,-c(1:px,px+pz+1)] + 0.3 * UU) / 1.3
v = sqrt(12) * (runif(n) - 0.5)
D = + X %*% phi + v
u = + rnorm(n, sd = 1)
Y = + X %*% theta + u
## grid points
d.seq = seq(-1,3,4/999)
## Uniform inference
out <- Inference.gfun(Y,D,Z,X,d.seq = d.seq, sig.level = 0.05)
# Save the results
True.val <- g.deriv(d.seq)
Initial.estimate <- out$gderiv.init
Debiased.estimate <- out$gderiv.est
Lower.confband <- out$gderiv.est - out$H.quantile*out$
Upper.confband <- out$gderiv.est + out$H.quantile*out$
Plot the results
## Plot the results
g.deriv.plot.dta = cbind(True.val,
png(file = "Example.png")
matplot(d.seq, g.deriv.plot.dta[,1:3], ylab = "g'(D)", xlab = "D",
type = "l",
col = c("black","red","blue","blue","blue"),
ylim = c(-0.5,1.2))
matlines(d.seq, g.deriv.plot.dta[, 1:3], type = "l", col = c("black","red","blue"),
lwd = 2,
lty = 1)
matlines(d.seq, g.deriv.plot.dta[, 4:5], type = "l", col = "blue",
lwd = 2,
lty = 2)
legend("bottomright",legend = c("True","Initial","Debiased","95% CB"),
col = c("black","red","blue","blue"),
lty = c(1,1,1,2,2), lwd = 2)