A Synthesizer, Sampler, and Granulizer built in Rust + Nih-Plug Written by Ardura
Please note this project is still a work in progress/alpha - I got a lot of traction once I posted on KVR and wanted to clarify that!
Join the discord! https://discord.com/invite/hscQXkTdfz Check out the KVR Page: https://www.kvraudio.com/product/actuate-by-ardura
Hover over any knob (or some labels) for an explanation!
- Two SVF Filters, a VCF inspired filter, and Tilt inspired filters that can be parallel, serial, or bypassed with ADSR Envelopes
- Pitch modulation with ASDR
- 12 Oscillator shapes:
- The standard: Sine, Triangle, Saw, Ramp, Square, Pulse, Noise
- WSaw - Saw with noise variance to create crispyness
- SSaw - Saw with small variance to create shimmer
- RSaw - Rounded saw wave
- RASaw - Rounded saw wave with random variances
- RSquare - Rounded square wave
- 7 Filter resonance approximations for different sweeps in SVF filters
- Default - Allegedly the "ideal" response when tying Q to angular sin response
- Moog - Allegedly a Moog Ladder Q approximation further modified
- TB - Allegedly an approximation of a TB-303 LP further modified
- Arp - Allegedly an approximation of an Arp 2600 further modified
- Res - I made this up - kind of a hyper resonance while still being gentle
- Bump - I made this up - a gentle bump resonance different from the others
- Powf - I made this up - Curves based on Powf math function as it scales
- 10 Different FX for post processing
- 3 LFO controllers
- 4 Modulators that can be linked to multiple things
- Sampler with pitch shifting or resample stretching
- Sampler supports single cycle waveforms for wavetable-like functions
- Granulizer with ADSR and crossfading between grains
- Any generator can go to any filter
- Samples can be saved into presets
- Stereo width and ultra wide controls
- Create a Preset Browser
- Add more reverb styles
- Add more decay styles
- Fix some bandpass glitching on certain filter types
- Create different stereo spreading algorithms
- Make the GUI nicer - see Discussion ardura#26
- Look into making the preset loading more reliable
- Fix text input not working (right now it's a OS safe workaround)
- Fix file dialog in the process thread (right now it's a OS safe workaround)
- Compatible with Windows 10 and up
- Compatible with Linux
- Compatible with Mac(?)
- FL Studio tested compatible
- Ableton tested compatible
- Reaper tested compatible
- Ardour tested compatible with some reported performance issues
- Bitwig tested compatible
- Cantibile tested uncompatible and has issues
- VSTHost tested compatible but has gui issues
- Naming presets and info may be unstable in non-windows environments as I have not tested those sorry